ID Diaries

Follow along on our weekly adventures. Our diaries will follow our daily walks, new tricks, and different tips and information we have learned along the way! 

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Hey guys! Mom is working hard to get our adventures updated and posted for you along with some fun and useful tips to help with your crazy pups. Check back soon to see our fun adventures!

Hey guys – Rex here with you this week. Well, our vacation finally ended. We did have a good time but were super happy to be back home with mom and dad. And boy, have we had a fun week. My sister Isla has come home as a new dog! She has lost weight and is acting like the Isla from before she had valley fever! Of course, that means more attitude too, but It’s what we love about her! Keep reading to find out more about Isla’s feistiness and about our homecoming week fun!!

Hey everyone! Isla here for the week. Guess what? Mom and dad totally ditched us and went on vacation without us. Rude, right? But, they made it up to us by sending us to this cool place where we got to hang out with new buddies, explore outside, and just have a blast. Plus, they made sure to fill us in on all their vacay stories, so we didn’t feel left out. Check out all the details of our epic week!

Hi there friends. Rex here with you this week. Our week was a crazy week. Mom had us doing many different things, and her week was even more crazy. Our walks have been longer every morning now that the weather is finally cooler out. And we have noticed the coyotes are back – so that means we can track them in the mornings! Not really but we pretend to so we can worry mom. And guess what? We are having a walking challenge for the month of November – stay tuned for more details on that! Keep reading to find out more about our crazy week!

Hola friends! Isla here with you. This week is friends week. We had old and new friends, plus friends that are looking for their forever homes! We truly want to help those shelter friends who need their forever homes. Keep reading now to find out more about all of the fun friend adventures we had!

Hey guys – Isla here with you this week! It’s been quite an exciting October week. We have had lots of great walks with all the cooler weather. I did have a down morning this week because mom took Rex to a class and left me behind at home, that made me sad (more about that later). And we had a really windy October morning! I’ll get into more of all of these throughout my updates. Keep reading to find out more about our fall October adventures from this week!

Hey guys! Rex back here with you this week. The temperatures have finally cooled off, so we have had longer walks and more outside time! And last week was national walk your dog week – we missed it but are making up for it this week! Hopefully you guys get to go out on some awesome walks like we do. Besides our awesome walks, we have shelter dog fun and updates, more splashpad fun (it hasn’t closed yet, yay!) and fun frisbee time with both me and Isla. Keep reading to find out more about our walking week adventures!!

Hey guys – Isla here again with you this week. It was definitely an exciting week as usual. Our week included tracking coyotes, some splash pad fun, fun new toys and an exciting field trip for a new friend. We also have a way you can help shelter/rescue dogs from your home!! Follow along with us to hear more about all our adventures and how you can help!!

Hey guys. Isla here with you this week. And boy did we have an exciting week. I’m so glad that Rex and I switched weeks because now I get to tell you about all our fun this week! This last week was the first week of autumn, but we didn’t really have cooler temperatures yet. But that didn’t ruin our fun. We did have lots of bunnies, lots of lizards, a sad find on one of our walks, a mistaken identity and loads of water fun for my brother. And that was just the start of everything! Keep reading to find out how much fun our Autumn week was!!

Hey everyone, it’s Isla! Since it was Rex’s birthday week, Rex and I switched who is chatting with you. I’ll be with you for the next couple of weeks but Rex will update you this week. And yep, he just turned seven and it was pretty awesome! He had a big birthday bash, got some sweet new toys, and had all sorts of fun. So definitely keep reading if you wanna hear all about Rex’s birthday week shenanigans!

Hey guys – Rex here with you this week. We had an exciting week including things from my sister being a super freak because it was dove hunting season ☹ to a broken splash pad and fun football games! We have designated this week our football fun week. Keep reading to find out more about our football week adventures!!!

Hey guys – Isla here with your updates this week. This week is my favorite themed week because… It’s lizard hunting week!! My favorite thing to do on our morning walks is lizard hunting. And we get to hunt them almost every day. Besides lizard hunting, mom had awesome news at her normal shelter dog day, and I had a depressing vet visit. Keep reading to find out more about our lizard week!


And we have a couple of bonuses this week. Check out our fun facts about lizards – and we have some low calorie treats that we love listed! You can find those treats and more on our Products We Love page – we highly recommend you check them out!

Hey friends. Rex here with you this week. Did you know that last Saturday was International Dog Day? It was a celebration for dogs all around the world! Unfortunately for us it was super-hot that day, so we didn’t get to be outside as much as we like. But that just meant our dog day fun was spread out over the week. Keep reading to find out more about our dog day fun this last week!

Isla here this week friends! We had a rainy day this week!! It’s been the end of March since we have really had any decent rain. While it still wasn’t what we need, it rained for half the night on Sunday night into Monday morning. The rain gave us an exciting start to our rain week adventures! Keep reading to find out more!

Hey y’all, Rex here with our weekly update! We had a blast this week – got to have two gotcha day celebrations, met a couple of unexpected doggos on our evening stroll, and even saw our coyote pals. Keep reading to catch up on all the fun we’ve had!

Isla here this week to update you on our adventures. Our week started out on a down note as we had sad news about our favorite bunny park. But things looked up later in the week as we had a surprise run in with one of our besties! Keep reading to find out more about our weeks adventures!

Rex here with our weekly re-cap. We finally had rain! It’s been four long months since it rained here. And this week a little bit of our much needed rain arrived. Sadly it was short lived, but any little bit helps. With the rain comes the monsoons with lots of lightning and thunder. Even though most of them haven’t hit us, there has still been a lot of lightening and a little bit of thunder. Continue reading to find out more about how the monsoons have affected us!!

Isla here with our weekly recap! It’s creature feature week!! Plus, it’s been super-hot here. Is it hot where you are? What are you doing to beat the heat? We go on super early morning and late evening walks. Along with that, mom brings along water in a cool water bottle. Plus she has us wear these super cool swamp cooling neck gaters. Those things help us to be able to go on little longer daily walks. We highly suggest you checking those out, they can help you guys stay cool when you are out and about! Now on to our exciting creature feature week. And it was a wild week – so here goes!

Adventures with lizards! We had baby lizards and a staggering heat wave this week! Continue reading to see Isla’s obsession with our lizards and how we are dealing with the insane heat!

Summer heat week! The month of July has been excessively hot for us. We are doing everything we can to stay cool while still adventuring out and keeping the crazy crew happy! Keep reading to find out more about our adventures and tips we used to stay cool and happy!

Rex and Isla summer walk dog day water break

Summertime week adventures. It was kind of a scary week with fireworks getting going. But we did end up with ginormous bunny counts and even a near rattlesnake miss. Plus we walked shelter dogs! Continue reading to find out more about our summertime week!

Fireworks week. The 4th of July is next week so we are talking fireworks! We also had insane bunny counts and a visit from an old friend. Continue reading to find out more!!

Adventures with Rex!! Since June 17th is Rex’s gotcha day, this week is Rex’s adventure week. Rex joined our family six years ago. Little did we know at that time how crazy, goofy and lovable he was. Click here to find out more about how Rex came to be in our family. And keep reading to find out more about our adventures during Rex’s week!

Tarantula Hawk week adventures. We had never heard of tarantula hawk wasps prior to moving to Arizona. They are very interesting creatures, with a very painful sting and a morbid way of raising their young. Continue reading to find out more about our tarantula hawk week adventures and more about tarantula hawks!

Squirrel week. When we moved to Arizona, we didn’t see any squirrels for a long time. Now we see them almost every morning when we walk. An odd fact about them here is that where we live now, they don’t build nests up in trees, they live in holes in the ground. Isla and Rex don’t care where they live – as long as they can watch and try to chase them! Read more for our exciting squirrel week adventures!

Indy 500 week adventures. We had enormous record bunny counts, dog park drama and an Indy 500 watch party!! Continue reading to find out more about our exciting adventures!!

Bee week!! We had a scary incident in our neighborhood this week with angry, aggressive bees. Because of this, we have decided this week will be bee week. Continue reading to find out more about our adventures, the bee incident, and a little about safety if you run into swarming bees!!

Coyote week adventures. We had spooky Isla, excess bunnies and coyote escorts this week! With our coyote escorts, this week became our coyote adventures week. Continue reading to find out more about our exciting adventures!!

Isla’s birthday week adventures. We had a coyote follower, excess bunnies and a birthday girl this week! Since it’s Isla’s birthday this week is her week! Continue reading to find out more about our exciting adventures!!

Dove week adventures. This week includes baby doves outside our window, a paw-some rescue and record bunny counts. With the sight of the baby doves, we decided this week would be our dove adventures. Keep reading to find out more!!

Sun Dog Week Adventures – This week we saw a really neat phenomenon – a sun dog. We don’t see them much where we live so since it is a rare thing, we decided this week would be our sun dog week! Keep reading to find out more!!

One of Rex’s favorite things is the splash pad in the park. And this week was the first time this year that we have been able to go and let him use it. So, this week is splash pad week! Keep reading to hear about Rex’s fun in the splash pad, updates on our bunny counts, and how Isla’s loud noise fears are progressing.

Wild bunny week adventures – We are seeing bunnies galore on our walks this week. We even had a record bunny count day!!  Continue reading to hear more about how our wild bunny week progressed!! Plus updates on Miss Isla’s fear of distant loud booms.

Lamb week adventures – Since our March seemed to come in like a lion and out like a lamb, this week’s adventures are our lamb week adventures. Continue reading to hear more about how our lamb week went!!