Isla here this week friends! We had a rainy day this week!! It’s been the end of March since we have really had any decent rain. While it still wasn’t what we need, it rained for half the night on Sunday night into Monday morning. The rain gave us an exciting start to our rain week adventures! Keep reading to find out more!

Rex and Isla rainy week

Rainy Day Week!! 8/19/2023 - 8/25/2023

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Isla Rex rainy Walk
rainy walk morning

Monday 8/21/2023 - Rainy morning!

Hey everyone! Guess what? It finally rained today! Can you believe it? We haven’t seen rain in months, so it was a welcome surprise. The only downside was that it was raining when we woke up, so we had to delay our morning walk. Rex and I were really confused when our mom woke up early but went back to bed. We thought she was playing a trick on us!


Eventually, we got out for our walk, even though it was still raining a little bit. Luckily, by then the rain only lasted for a little while and the sun even started peeping through the clouds. Mom decided we should hurry back home before it got too hot, and we were about halfway home when we heard a huge boom! It scared me so much that I didn’t want to move at all, but mom was finally able to reassure me that everything was ok.


We eventually made it home safe and sound, and believe it or not, there’s still no explanation for the loud boom. Anyway, catch you later alligators! Have a good one 🙂

It doesn’t rain much here, so we don’t have to go out in the rain very often anymore. But before we moved to Arizona we did go out in the rain often. And mom and dad bought us these cool Kurgo dog coats to wear when we did. If you need a doggy raincoat, we highly recommend these! And also check out our Products That We Love page for other products we recommend!!

Rex and Isla no walk rainy week
Isla no walk rainy week

Wednesday 8/23/2023 - A Very Early Morning!

Hey everyone! So, today was an early morning for us. Mom got us up super early so we could squeeze in a morning walk before she headed off to help the shelter dogs. But honestly, we don’t mind since we hit the hay early last night. And we were still able to walk two miles! This morning we took a little different route than normal and spotted a pesky toad. Rex and I both wanted to say hi, but mom reminded us we can’t touch them ’cause they’re poisonous to us,


After we got home, mom went to the shelter to walk her favorite furball, Ariat, along with Bowzer, Jonas and a newbie, Anna. And as usual, she got some cute pictures she will post! If you live in Arizona and are interested in adopting a dog, the dogs mom walks are all available for adoption at the Pinal County Animal Shelter. They are over full right now so really need to get dogs adopted out!


Later on, the weather wasn’t as fun. It was windy and dusty outside – gross! So, mom and dad said we couldn’t walk tonight, which was a bummer. But I totally get it; we don’t want to risk getting valley fever. I’ve already had that once and there is no way I want to get it again! So while we were bummed, I totally understand.


Not sure what valley fever is – click here to find out more. And follow here to hear about my experience with valley fever!


That’s pretty much all from our exciting day. Catch up with ya later!

Bowzer Shelter Dog
Ariat Shelter Dog
Jonas shelter dog
Ariat 2 Shelter Dog
Bowzer Shelter Dog 2
Anna Shelter Dog
Rex and Isla no rainy walk on hold
Rex Isla No rainy walk dog day

Friday 8/25/2023 - Cooler - No Rainy Morning and Howling Coyotes

Hey everyone! I have some awesome news to share with you today! The temperature was only 74 degrees this morning and it was not a rainy morning, which meant that we got to take our long walk! We usually can’t do it in the summer because it’s so hot. It was such a blast, and we ran into our besties Mason and Emmy, plus our goldendoodle pal, and Milo and his brother. We were all out enjoying the beautiful morning together.


The fun didn’t end there. While we were out, we got to see a whopping 46 bunnies! In the spring we see lots of bunnies, but right now we are lucky to see twenty.  It was so exciting! To top it off, we saw our ultimate favorites, Artie and Bru, hanging out at the park. Our walk was almost five miles, and I was totally exhausted when we got home.


But the excitement didn’t stop there – during our night walk, we heard coyotes yipping and howling away in the wash. We haven’t heard them for a while, but after seeing them last week and hearing them now, we think they might be moving back into the area. We’ll need to keep a lookout for them from now on.


Well, that’s enough excitement for one day. Talk to you later, guys! Isla over and out!