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Isla here with our weekly recap! It’s creature feature week!! Plus, it’s been super-hot here. Is it hot where you are? What are you doing to beat the heat? We go on super early morning and late evening walks. Along with that, mom brings along water in a cool water bottle. Plus she has us wear these super cool swamp cooling neck gaters. Those things help us to be able to go on little longer daily walks. We highly suggest you checking those out, they can help you guys stay cool when you are out and about! Now on to our exciting creature feature week. And it was a wild week – so here goes!

Rex and Isla creature feature walk

Creature Feature Week! 7/22/2023 - 7/28/2023

Dog Park Skunk Creature Feature Week
Rex night

Saturday 7/22 - Stinky creature encounter!

Hey, guess what my peeps?! We were out for a short walk in the neighborhood tonight as it was boiling-hot outside. And OMG, can you believe it! We bumped into a skunk at the park a few blocks away. This was our first skunk spotting this summer – we usually come across plenty once summer sets in, but there were none until last night! Fingers crossed that they keep hidden this season.


It reminds me of an incident last year at the dog park – it wasn’t a fun thing with a skunk that time. We were just about to leave, and suddenly, Rex dashed towards the fence and started jumping on something. Mom and I went over to him, and guess what? He was jumping on a skunk! I got nosy and got too close; boy was that a big mistake. Mom tried to get Rex off without getting sprayed but that didn’t work either. The spray got in Rex’s eyes, so he got off by himself in the end.


I’m happy to report that the skunk survived; however, the rest of us had to endure the stinky consequences. Even after taking multiple baths, mom said we smelled skunky for weeks, and it was not a walk in the park – if you know what I mean! We hope nothing like that happens again this summer – fingers crossed guys!

Coyote creature feature week
Rex and Isla coyote incident

Monday 7/24/2023 - Scary creature encounter!

Since it’s creature feature week, something super spooky happened to us a year ago with some coyotes. So, we were walking on the path by this wash where some coyotes pups sometimes hang out, and one of them came over to us to say what’s up. We thought it was just curious, but it got a bit too close for comfort. Rex had enough and straight up told it to scoot.


That’s when mama coyote came running over all riled up to protect her fam. Before we knew it, we had two coyotes growling about 10 feet from us. Yikes! We hustled back to the road with mama coyote close behind, and we were so relieved when we made it to a nearby park.


We call that area coyoteville, but it’s not really a separate place or anything, just a wash in the middle of our neighborhood. Anyways, we didn’t venture out into the desert or anything. It took my mom about eight months before she would take us on that path again. But don’t sweat it, the coyotes have moved on, so we’re safe…for now at least 😉

Isla lizards creature feature week

Wednesday 7/26/2023 - Majestic Morning

Hey guys, what’s up? So, we had another creature feature day and we saw something awesome! Can you guess what? An owl! They’re usually out at night but we saw one in the morning, super cool right? Do you guys see any cool creatures during your walks?

We also saw our favorite buddies, the min pins and talked to their mom for a bit. They also wake up early to beat the summer heat. Do you have any buddies that you bump into when you’re on your walks? Seeing them makes our walks even better!

As usual, we saw lots of bunnies and lizards, they’re everywhere. Check out our critter counts to see how many we’ve spotted so far.

That’s all for now, folks. Hope you’re all having a great week and we’ll catch up soon! Later gaters – Isla over and out!!