Hey guys – Isla here with your updates this week. This week is my favorite themed week because… It’s lizard hunting week!! My favorite thing to do on our morning walks is hunting lizards. And we get to hunt them almost every day. Besides lizard hunting, mom had totally awesome news at her normal shelter dog day, and I had a depressing vet visit. Keep reading to find out more about our lizard week!


And we have a couple of bonuses this week. Check out our fun facts about lizards below – and we have some low calorie treats that we love listed here! You can find those treats and more on our Products We Love page – we highly recommend you check them out!

Isla and Rex Lizard Hunting Week

Lizard Hunting Week! 9/2/203 - 9/8/2023

Fun Facts About Lizards!!

Before we go into our adventures, since I love lizards, I want to share some fun facts about them with you:


Many lizards have the ability to change colors. And not just the chameleons. They change colors for several reasons, including communication, temperature regulation, and camouflage.


They come in various sizes, shapes, and colors. There are over 6.000 species that are found on every single continent except Antarctica.


Some species of lizards can regenerate their tails if they lose them. Their tails serve as a distraction to predators, when the predator grabs them their tail can detach and then they can grow a new one later


Certain species of lizards can live to be up to 100 years old.


There are lizard species that have a ‘third eye’. This is known as the parietal eye or pineal eye and it is on the top of their heads. It can help them regulate their circadian rhythms and to detect predators from above.

Hope you found those things interesting! Read on to find out more about our lizard hunting week adventures.

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Isla Lizard Hunting
Dog Walk Lizard Hunting

Sunday 9/3/2023 - Lizard Hunting Extravaganza!

Hey friends! I have some exciting news, the weather has cooled down and we can take longer walks now, woo! So today, we decided to switch up our usual route. And boy, did we see some cool stuff!


We saw so many lizards, maybe even close to 100! Okay, okay, I might be exaggerating a little. But it was definitely a lot. But it made for awesome lizard hunting! We also saw a POISON TOAD, which was crazy! They usually come out at night, it was rare that we saw one in the morning.


On the downside, we ended up on the path where the high school kids get picked up by the bus. And you know how I get when there are random people around. Rex and I can be a little crazy. But my mom handled it like a champ and Rex didn’t freak out too much when we saw the big yellow school bus.


Finally, we met a new dog friend, a cute little cattle dog. We followed them into the park and I got to do more lizard hunting. It was such a fun day. I can’t wait to share more of our adventures with you all soon! Catch you gaters later!”

Isla Vet Lizard Hunting Week
Rex Vet Lizard Hunting Week

Tuesday 9/5/2023 - Isla's Depressing Vet Visit

Hey everyone, today was definitely not my day. Mom and dad tricked Rex and me into taking a ride thinking we were headed to the dog park, but ended up taking us to the vet instead. Can you believe it? I really don’t get why we have to go there. But our vet, the Queen Creek Vet Clinic is really good, so at least that made it a little better.


Anyways, Rex didn’t have to do much, just got his blood drawn to check for heartworms. But I, on the other hand, had to go through a full check-up which was not my cup of tea. They checked my heart, lungs, teeth, and even shoved a thermometer up my bottom. Yikes! Good news is that everything seems fine, but they took bloodwork to check and make sure my valley fever has stayed away. We have to wait to hear back about the results of that.


Click here to find out more info about Isla’s fight with valley fever.


But the worst part is that I’m 9 pounds overweight according to the vet, so I have to go on a diet. Bye bye treats and people food, it’s going to be a rough few weeks. Although mom gets me a couple kinds of low calorie treats that she says I can still have. We recommend that you check them out! I think they are pretty good.

Anyways, hope your day was better than mine. I’ll keep you posted on my valley fever titer results and on weight loss journey. See ya later! Have an awesome day!

Ariat 2 Shelter Dog
Kramer Shelter Dog

Wednesday 9/6/2023 - Awesome Shelter Update & New Lizard Hunting Friend

Hey everyone! Today’s morning walk was pretty chill. Mom didn’t forget the flashlight like last week, so that’s a win. She’s got some awesome news about a shelter dog, but we’ll save that for later.


As usual, we hit up the dog park for lunch for more lizard hunting. It was a scorcher out there, so there weren’t too many people or pups around. But we did get a surprise visitor! This cute medium-sized dog named Emma and her mom came to hang out with us to help hunt lizards. I gotta admit, I was a little territorial about my water bowl, but we worked it out. Dad said I was just being a bully. After that, we all decided it was time to go home.


Now, for the exciting news! Mom’s favorite shelter dog found a foster home, hooray! We’re so happy she’s not staying at the shelter anymore. And she got to walk some new pups this week. She took lots of pics that we can’t wait to see. All of these cute pups are available for adoption at the Pinal County Animal Shelter!


Alright, that’s it for now. Talk to y’all later – Isla signing off!

Remi Shelter Dog
Roscoe Shelter Dog
Bowser Shelter Dog