Hey guys – Rex here with you this week. Well, our vacation finally ended. We did have a good time but were super happy to be back home with mom and dad. And boy, have we had a fun week. My sister Isla has come home as a new dog! She has lost weight and is acting like the Isla from before she had valley fever! Of course, that means more attitude too, but It’s what we love about her! Keep reading to find out more about Isla’s feistiness and about our homecoming week fun!!

Seafood Dinner Homecoming Week

Homecoming Week!! 11/11/2023 - 11/17/2023

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Isla Rex's Birthday week Homecoming
Homecoming week Walking challenge

Saturday November 11, 2023 -Yummy Seafood and Homecoming Night!

Hey! So our day started off pretty chill, just hanging out at the boarding place waiting for mom and dad. Isla and I were having a blast playing with all the pups, but we were starting to wonder where mom and dad were.


They hit us up yesterday, but no word on when they were coming to get us. Apparently they were chowing down on some seriously good seafood, which sounds dope to me. I wonder if that stuff would be good for us dogs too?🤔


Anyway, we finally got used to the other dogs and made some pals. I really liked this herding dog that looked just like me, except brown instead of black. Isla was all about this cute little goldendoodle that reminded her of our buddy Bailey from back home.😍


Dinner came and went, we had a little chill time and then back to playing. We thought it was time to hit the hay when all of a sudden the staff whisked us away. And guess what?? Mom and dad had arrived!! We were so hyped to see them, we could barely contain our excitement. We hopped right into their car so they wouldn’t forget us.😜


As soon as we got home, we said what’s up to our furry brothers Niang and Hopps, and then headed out to our backyard to sniff out all the new smells we’d missed. Finally, it was time for bed and we snuggled up with mom and dad. It was such a great ending to our homecoming night and I can’t wait to tell you more about our week! This is Rex, signing off!🐾

Isla homecoming fun
Homecoming Friend week bunny walk

Tuesday November 14, 2023 - Homecoming Fun and Isla the Tank!

Hey friends! We’ve been home for a couple of days now and Isla is doing great! She’s become quite the feisty little pup since we got back. It’s awesome to see her back to her old self, full of energy and excitement.


We’ve gotten back into our morning walking routine and we’re ready to kick our Movember walking challenge into gear! Isla has been a total tank on our walks, and she’s always eager to get to her favorite spots. Sometimes we have to remind mom to keep up with us! And if you are interested in any of the walking gear we use on our walks – check out our Amazon page!


Speaking of Isla, she’s been on a diet and we’re happy to report that she’s lost 4.5 lbs in the last 2 months! Way to go Isla! She’s already halfway to her goal, and we know that’s part of why she’s feeling so great.


And last but not least, Isla has been playing with me in the dog park! It’s been a few years since she’s played at the park, but when she got valley fever about a year and a half ago she didn’t feel like playing anymore. Now since our vacation homecoming, she’s been full of energy and even tries to steal my ball! Click here if you are interested in finding out more about Isla’s experience with valley fever.


Isla’s newfound energy and my crazy spirit should give for a lot of fun adventures this winter, so stay tuned! Well, that’s all for now folks! Catch ya later gaters!

Derry Friend Week
Roscoe Friends Week

Thursday November 16, 2023 - Early morning and Mixed Shelter News

All of the wonderful pups here are available for adoption at the Pinal County Animal Care and Control in Casa Grande, AZ.

Hey there everyone! Today was quite an early morning for us. Mom is getting back to helping out with the shelter dogs, so we had to be up at the crack of dawn to get our walk in before she headed out.

Isla is still a bundle of energy, and doesn’t like to come home from our walks. She managed to get Mom to walk a little further this morning, but then Mom put her foot down and said it’s time to head home because she was headed to the shelter.

Now, onto the news from the shelter. We’ve got some really good and some really bad news today. First, the bad news. Our adorable buddy Derry, who found a forever home before we went for vacation, is now back at the shelter, his new home didn’t work out. It’s breaking our hearts because the little guy deserves all the love in the world.

But, on the bright side, our other buddy Remi is doing great in his new foster home. Woohoo! What’s even better? Rosco, the handsome white cutie pittie we love, found his forever home! We are dancing in joy for him.

Mom walked some other adorable pups today like Daisy, a brown pittie mix, our buddy Derry, and the handsome husky mix Zeus, who she hadn’t walked before. Then she took the beautiful shepherd Jonas out in one of the play yards. We hope that next week, when mom goes back to the shelter, we find a ton of our fur friends their forever homes!

That’s all for me folks, Isla will catch up with you next week for Thanksgiving. peace out! Rex out.