Isla here this week to update you on our adventures. Our week started out on a down note as we had sad news about our favorite bunny park. But things looked up later in the week as we had a surprise run in with one of our besties! Keep reading to find out more about our weeks adventures!

Rex and Isla no more bunny park

Bunny Park No More Week! 8/5/2032 - 8/11/2023

Rex no more bunny park
Isla no more bunny park

Monday 8/7/2023 - No more bunny park!

Hey folks! So, I’ve got some really unfortunate news to share with you all. It turns out that our go-to bunny park has been demolished. Apparently, they’re putting up some swanky model homes there instead. It’s a total bummer because that park was one of the only quiet, grassy spaces around – and we all know how many bunnies loved hanging out there! I mean, with all the new development going on, you’d think they could have found somewhere else to build – but I guess not. Sadly, we didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye before they bulldozed it. Anyway, I’m pretty bummed. We do still have bunny park 2, which we all love. I guess it’ll just be our new number one go-to spot from now on. We’ll be on the lookout for any other bunny havens, so stay tuned!

Ariat bunny park week Dog Day
Herbie shelter walk

Wednesday 8/9/2023 - No bunny park visit, owl sightings & shelter adventure!

Hey there, my favorite peeps! Another early morning for us today, but it’s all good because mom was helping out at the shelter again. Didn’t spot any bunnies this time, probably because there is no bunny park to go to anymore. But we did come across two owls! They seem to be popping up more often and it’s pretty exciting to see them up close.


Mom had a successful shelter visit today – she can now take out dogs to walk anytime she wants! She got to hang out with her fave Ariat again, as well as Bowzer who’s getting more confident each time she sees him. She also walked Herbie, who’s a new dog at the shelter and needs some love – he’s super skinny and doesn’t know how to take treats yet, but he’s really sweet so we hope he gets adopted soon.


Mom promised to take some pics of the cuties and post them, so stay tuned. And if any of our peeps are looking for a pup in Arizona – these cuties are available at the Pinal County Animal Shelter. Hope you guys are all having a fab week! Isla signing out!

Herbie part 2
Bowzer shelter walk
Isla Splash Pad bunny park week
Rex splash pad bunny park week

Friday 8/11/2023 - Splash pad fun, bestie encounter and lightning!

Hey there amigos! It’s been a fantastic week, except for the part where we lost the bunny park. But listen, we’ve been up to lots of fun stuff! Like, the other night we hit up the dog park with my bro and had a blast playing ball and hitting up the splash pad. Plus, we got to see our favorite buddies, Artie and Bru, after weeks of not catching up with them. You know how it is, right? Always busy. But we had a great time and it was so good to catch up.


And can I just say, my brother is completely obsessed with the splash pad! Haha. Not me, though- I’m not as into it. But it’s still pretty cool to cool off and get some refreshment, especially in the heat. Oh yeah, if you wanna see more of our splash pad adventures, you should totally check out our splash pad week from earlier this spring on our blog.


Anyway, last night we went for a walk around the neighborhood due to some storms in the area. We weren’t brave enough to tempt fate! But we did get to see a pretty sweet lightning show and even mom and dad got some cool pictures. Alright, well that’s it from us for this week. We hope you’re having an amazing one too! If you have any cool stories to share, drop them in the comments. Catch you later, alligators!


Lightning walks
Rex Lightning walks

2 thoughts on “Devastating Bunny Park News, Splash Pad Bonanza, Awesome Friends”

  1. Looks like a busy week. Your shelter pups are absolutely adorable! I hope they get adopted soon! I agree with you. Progress isn’t always progress. I’m glad you have another fun place to go with lots of bunnies to watch. Here’s to progress not being so devasting!

    1. Luckily Isla doesn’t seem to notice that we are skipping going there, at least she doesn’t notice for now. Hope you and Henry are having a great week!

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