Insane Dog Blog

Life with insanely crazy dogs

Rex and Isla Desert Walk

The Adventures of Rex and Isla
The Insane Dogs

Meet Rex and Isla, the adorable pups of Insane Dog Blog! Rex is a crazy, lovable border collie/cattle dog mix who was adopted from  Wisconsin Border Collie Rescue. Isla is his spunky little sister, a mix of lab, boxer, terrier, aussie, and everything in between, who was rescued from AHeinz57 Pet Rescue.


Join us on our exciting adventures and discover helpful tips to soothe the craziness. Plus, we want to hear your stories! Let’s help keep each other sane! 

Daily Critter Counts! 07/16/2024

On our daily walks, we play wildlife detectives, keeping track of our critter sightings. Want to join the fun? Check out our “Critter Counts” page to learn more! 😉

Road Runners

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This will helps us to continue creating helpful content. We would never recommend something we don’t like ourselves!


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The hot summer months are quickly approaching, so it’s important to keep our furry friends cool. One way to do that is by playing water games and providing water toys, like Rex’s favorite, the  water fountain toy. Think your dog would like the dog water fountain too? Check out how you can get one here!

Insane Dogs Diaries

Welcome to the Insane Dogs Diaries! Join us on our monthly adventures, from daily walks, dog park fun, splash pad escapades, and so much more! Discover our favorite tricks, tips, treats, and ideas. We love sharing our experiences and helping others navigate life with their furry friends by offering real life advice and product recommendations. Be sure to check back each month for more adventures, training ideas, and thoughts on all things dog!

We are almost back!!

Hey guys! Mom is working hard to get our adventures updated and posted for you along with some fun and useful tips to help with your crazy pups. Check back soon to see our fun adventures!

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Rex and Isla cuties

Essential Summer Gear

With summer coming up soon, we will be looking for ways to still be able to go our on our fun adventures but still stay cool! Click here to check out some of our favorite walking gear including these things to help us stay cool!

Dog Splash Pad

The dog splash pad is a fun way for your pup to keep cool during the summer – and it’s Rex and Isla approved! Check here to find out how to get one for your crazy pups!

Training Tips for walk

Having issues on your walks? No issues but want to engage your dog more? We always bring treats along on our walks to help with training and engaging our dogs. Keep reading to find out more about how we use treats and what treats we have found work best! Click here to read more…

Rex and Isla sunrise walk

Check out some of our favorite training treats!!

Click here to find out more!!

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