Hey friends. Rex here with you this week. Did you know that last Saturday was International Dog Day? It was a celebration for dogs all around the world! Unfortunately for us it was super-hot that day, so we didn’t get to be outside as much as we like. But that just meant our dog day fun was spread out over the week. Keep reading to find out more about our dog day fun this last week!

Rex adventure week

Dog Day Week! 8/26/2023 - 9/1/2023

Rex and Isla International Dog Day
Rex Isla No rainy walk dog day

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Satuday 8/26/2023 - International Dog Day!!

Hey there! Today was International Dog Day. Let us know in the comments what fun things you guys did today.


Mom and dad had some plans for us to go on a long walk and play water games and hunt for lizards outside this morning, but the heat was just unbearable! We did manage to go on a nice walk though, which we enjoyed even though we had to wear those cooling neck gaiters – not our favorite thing, but they helped keep us cool. Plus we have this cool water bottle for our breaks. It holds enough water we can take two breaks using it! We recommend you check both of these things out for your walks! You can also find them along with all the other products we recommend on our Products That We Love page!


On the walk, we saw loads of bunnies and lizards, and even some of our doggy friends – Mason, Emmy, Milo and a little corgi. We think they were celebrating International Dog Day too!


For the afternoon, we didn’t do much except hang out in the air conditioning. It was kinda boring, but we did manage to get some good cuddle time in. When evening came around, we were excited to go to the park, but it was storming near us:( So instead, we just took a shorter walk around our neighborhood, and guess what? Our neighbors were having a party with live music! We danced all the way back home, which made up for not going to the park.


That’s pretty much how our not-so-exciting International Dog Day went. Hopefully, our week will get more exciting, and don’t forget to let us know what you guys did for International Dog Day!

Rex park - moon
Coyote adventure

Tuesday 8/29/2023 - Curious Coyote

Hey guys! Our morning walks have been pretty uneventful since International Dog Day, but guess what? Our visit to the dog park tonight was totally different!


You won’t believe what happened. So there we were, dad and Isla lounging around while Mom was tossing me a squeaky ball.  And then, dad spotted a coyote hanging on the other side of the fence at the back of the park.  Now I didn’t see it, because if I would have, I would have ran back there and gave it the business. Whenever I’d squeak the ball, it would run up to the fence to see what was going on.


After around five minutes, it vanished. But when we left the dog park, we spotted it near the pond! I did see it this time, but we were far enough away I didn’t have to tell it off. I just kept my eye on it to make sure it didn’t decide to try and come visit us.


It will be interesting to see if this was just an odd curious coyote or if we start to see more by the park. We will keep you posted! That’s all from me for now. Talk to y’all later gaters!

Ariat bunny park week Dog Day
Jonas shelter dog day

Wednesday 8/30/2023 - Fun Shelter Dog Day!

Heyo peeps! Today’s another one of Mom’s shelter dog days, which means we have to wake up before the sun’s even up to take our walkies. It’s been so hot outside though, ugh. We can’t wait for the weather to cool down a bit so we can sleep in a little more.


Anyway, we saw a coyote at the park this morning! It was kinda scary, but we kept our distance and hurried on our way. Oh and we’ve been seeing owls too, which is pretty neat. It’s crazy how many nighttime creatures are still out and about when we go for our early walks. 


So anyway, Mom got to walk her fave shelter dog, Miss Ariat, again today. She’s such a sweetie, we don’t know why she’s still there! Mom’s even planning a field trip for her soon, so stay tuned for updates on that! She also walked Bowzer, Jonas, and Miss Sunshine, who is a lizard hunter just like my sister Isla. Can’t stress enough how important it is to adopt or volunteer at your local shelter!


All these adorable dogs are available for adoption at the Pinal County Animal Shelter!


Anyway, I’m signing off for the day. Have a great week, everyone! Rex out!

Bowzer Shelter Dog Day Rain Week
Sunshine lizard girl dog day