Hey guys – Isla here again with you this week. It was definitely an exciting week as usual. Our week included tracking coyotes, some splash pad fun, fun new toys and an exciting field trip for a new friend. We also have a way you can help shelter/rescue dogs from your home!! Follow along with us to hear more about all our adventures and how you can help!!

Derry field trip backyard2

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Want to know a great way you can help out your favorite shelter and/or rescue? Purchase treats for them to use for walks and training! Check out our Products We Love page for some great ideas!

Field Trip Week!! 9/30/2023 -10/6/2023

Coyote field trip
Splash Pad Field Trip

Saturday September 30, 2023 - Coyote Tracking Field Trip & Splash Pad Fun

Hey everyone, it’s Isla, and guess what?


We had an awesome day today! It started with our regular morning walk and ended up on a field trip tracking a coyote. This wasn’t originally in our plan for the day, but everyone knows how plans change. We were just taking our normal route and suddenly we could smell a coyote nearby. Although Mom wasn’t too thrilled about it, Rex and I decided to play detectives! We followed the coyote’s trail for a while, but unfortunately, he managed to escape from us.


But then later we found fresh signs of him. We continued to track him for a bit, at one point Rex was sure he was across the wash and in one of the bushes. We didn’t get to say hello in person, but we’ll keep our paws crossed for another chance soon. It was a bit disappointed, but it was still a fun adventure!


Later on, we hit up the dog park and the splash pad. And guess what – we finally got to hit the splash pad without any pesky kids around. Rex had a blast running around in the water while I did my best to stay mostly dry. We’re lucky to have enjoyed these fun spots, but they’ll be shutting down soon (the dog park to plant winter grass and the splash pad closes for the winter), so we’re hoping to fit in a few more visits before then.


That’s all of our excitement for today. I’ll chat with you later this week. Isla over and out!

Derry field trip vehicle
Derry field trip selfie

Monday October 2, 2023 - Derry Field Trip Day!!

Derry is available for adoption at the Pinal County Animal Shelter in Casa Grande, AZ.

Hey pals! Hope you’re having an amazing day so far. Let me tell you about our adventure with Mom and Rex today, it was so much fun! Our walk started off pretty normal, but suddenly a loud noise startled me, and I felt a little spooked. Thankfully, Mom and Rex are such great companions and they encouraged me to keep going. Not only did we push through the fear, but we even headed in a new direction. And boy, was it worth it! The path we walked on was so scenic and beautiful, and we ended up venturing a bit further than usual.


After getting home, Mom set out to the shelter to take a cute and cuddly pup named Derry on a special field trip. Their day started off with a fast-food stop, as they grabbed some yummy breakfast from McDonald’s. And then the real fun began as they headed to our backyard for some much-needed off-leash time. Rex and I didn’t get to meet him, but I watched from the door. Mr. Derry seemed like such a nice little pup which mom confirmed to me😊


They then moved on to a local park and continued their explorations. I hear Derry even got a special treat from Dairy Queen, a pup cup to be precise! They were then going to explore another park, but Derry began feeling a little anxious. So, Mom decided they would just spend some time in the AC in the car where he could observe everything going on around us and decompress.  


Mom was a little sad when she brought Derry back to the shelter. He did so good out on their field trip and will make someone an awesome little buddy. We are hoping he gets his forever home soon. And she is planning on taking him on another field trip if he is still at the shelter in the next couple of weeks!

Derry field trip splooting
Derry field trip chilling
Derry field trip sitting
Rex Slobber Soaker
Isla Frisbee

Wednesday October 5th - Belated Birthday Gifts!

Hello! You guys will never guess what happened today! So Rex’s birthday was a couple of weeks ago, and apparently mom forgot to order a couple of the toys she wanted to get him in time for them to arrive for his birthday. They arrived today and she surprised us with the new toys!


We had so much fun! The first toy was the boozehound pool juice pouch. I wanted to play with it but mom said since it was Rex’s birthday he got it first. But then she brought out the slobber soaker and Rex jumped on that one so I got the juice pouch. And that wasn’t the end of the excitement. We got Peanuts balls and a frisbee! Rex isn’t too interested in frisbees, so mom got one to see if she could get him more interested. But guess what? I thought the frisbee was awesome!


Dad played with the frisbee with me in the backyard and I had so much fun. I don’t normally play fetch so this was a big step. I’m looking forward to playing lots more with it. After frisbee, Rex wanted mom to throw the juice pouch for him, but I had to step in and try and get him to tug with me first. At the end I just wanted to keep it away from him. He is really good and when I get in that mode just lets me have what I want. But then it’s no fun anymore, so I let mom throw it for him.


Mom said she got lots of good pictures of us with our new fun toys she will post. Can’t wait to see them. That’s about all for today. Hope you are having an awesome week! I’ll catch you later – Isla signing off!

Rex and Isla birthday toys
Rex Juice Pouch
Isla homecoming fun