Hi there friends. Rex here with you this week. Our week was a crazy week. Mom had us doing many different things, and her week was even more crazy. Our walks have been longer every morning now that the weather is finally cooler out. And we have noticed the coyotes are back – so that means we can track them in the mornings! Not really but we pretend to so we can worry mom. And guess what? We are having a walking challenge for the month of November – stay tuned for more details on that! Keep reading to find out more about our crazy week!

Rex and Isla crazy week

Our Crazy Adventures Week!! 10/28/2023 - 11/3/2023

So before I get going on our week, I just wanted to let you know our awesome news. Our favorite little shelter dog Derry got adopted!! Yay! We are so happy for him and wish him the best on his new life!!

Derry field trip backyard2
Crazy Coyote in wash
New Bunny Park Walk

Sunday October 29, 2023 - Old Friends and Crazy Coyote Adventure

Hey everyone. Today was quite the crazy adventure as we embarked on our daily walk. While the sun was still snoozing, mom dragged us out of bed to start our usual stroll. Mom seems quite thrilled that soon we will be enjoying our strolls a little later in the morning. Isla and I are a bit confused about the schedule change coming up, but as long as we get our walks we are thrilled!


The real story is the encounter we had with a wild coyote – yes, you heard it right! We spotted some evidence indicating the presence of a coyote on our track and seconds later, our inner-carnivorous instincts kicked in, and we became detectives. We sneaked around the area pretending to be on our usual walk while keeping a close eye for the supposed coyote.


Meanwhile, we ran into some old friends – Mason, Emmy, and Jazz – up to the task of seeking bunnies.

We ran into them last week during our friends week too! Then mom noticed that Isla was missing her precious dino-bandana! After scouring every nook and cranny, we gave up! Can you believe that this is the third bandana lost on our walks?


As we were getting back on track, a golf cart approached us, which I deemed it necessary to bark at! Then, as if the coyote was summoned by my gallantry, he appeared from the bushes and stood there gazing at us! While I bravely watched for his next move, he cowered back into the bushes,  probably intimidated by my “evil-eye”.


As the dog park grand opening has been postponed, we had nothing else exciting except for our encounter with the wild coyote. I was pretty excited that we had another day of crazy adventures! Until next time, Rex out!

Jonas shelter dog football week
Remi friends week 2

Wednesday November 1, 2023 - Crazy Shelter Dog Zoomies!!

All our shelter buddies here are available for adoption at the Pinal County Animal Shelter in Casa Grande, AZ! Check out our Amazon Page to find products to help out your local shelter or rescue!

Hey party animals! Today was our typical early morning stroll with mom so she could go see her furry shelter friends. The season may be changing, but the early wake-up calls remain the same, at least for now. Bummer!


Nothing too wild and crazy happened on our walk, but mom had a blast with her shelter pals. First was Roscoe, the little white pittie who is starting to show his personality and even tried to get the zoomies going. Wow!  


Then she walked Jonas, the beautiful shepherd, who got explore a new path. And, his pulling and panicking were much calmer, thanks to the change of scenery. Finally, Remi got to play in a yard and was his usual ball-loving self!


If only mom could bring all these four-legged friends’ home to stay with us, they would make the coolest companions. Unfortunately, our small yard is already at fur baby capacity. We’ll have to wait a few years and hope for the possibility of a bigger yard.


Along with the shelter dog fun, you won’t believe this! The splash pad still works! It’s a bit crazy and weird that only one stream of water is coming out, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers. As long as there’s water, I’m in! We’re keeping our fingers crossed for more water fun to come, but for now, that’s all from me. Catch you later, alligators!

Rex Crazy class
Rex and Isla Crazy Walk Week

Friday November 3, 2023 - Walking Challenge and Scent Work Fun!

Hey everyone! Another week with loads of fun coming to an end!  Mom still gets us up crazy early in the morning for our walks! She told us that from November 6th to November 30th, we are having a walking challenge where we are going to try and walk 180 miles. It might seem a daunting task, but don’t worry, we’ve got this! Mom reassured us that we could do it, and that we’re in for lots of lovely walks. If you fancy joining us, feel free to! We even have a bunch of walking gear recommendations on our Amazon page for you to check out!


After our walk, Mom packed me up for our scent work class, and Isla got to stay home. She’s not thrilled about it, but hey, she’s finally get used to it! I’m starting to enjoy it a lot and feeling more confident out there too. Our teacher is fantastic, and we also get plenty of treats. In today’s session, we did some pretty cool stuff, like finding a scent in a closed box and even on a trailer hitch! Although I get nervous in new environments, my teacher says I’m really good at scent work and will be a rockstar soon!


That’s it for today, folks! Hope you you’re all as excited as we are about the walking challenge and will join us. Isla will be with you next week. Have a great weekend!