Hey, it’s Rex! Just wanted to give you a quick update on what’s been going on around here. Guess what? We finally got some rain! It’s been like four whole months without it, so we were pretty excited. Sadly, it didn’t last too long, but hey, we’ll take what we can get. And with the rain comes the monsoons – lots of lightning and thunder. It’s been pretty wild, but luckily we haven’t been hit too hard. If you want to hear more about how the monsoons are treating us, keep reading!

Morning Sky Rain Week

Monsoons and Rain!! 7/29/2023 - 8/4/2023!!

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Morning Sky 2
Isla no walk week

Sunday 7/30/2023 - Thunder and Lightening But No Rain

Hey there! Can you believe it’s already monsoon season? It’s kind of weird to call it that since we’re still getting used to it, but I guess that’s what they call it here. Anyway, these storms can come out of nowhere, so we’ve been playing it safe and taking shorter walks in the neighborhood when we know there might be a storm heading our way. You never know how bad they can get!


Speaking of storms, my sister Isla is absolutely terrified of thunder. Mom gives her these Ollie chill pills twice a day to help calm her down, but if we are outside and she can hear the thunder, she turns into a scared little pup (we’ve nicknamed her PP girl for petrified pup, haha!). So tonight, when a storm got pretty close and we tried to walk, she was having none of it. The storm didn’t end up hitting us and we didn’t get any rain, but it was still better to be safe than sorry. Do any of you guys have dogs who get scared during thunderstorms? If so, we’d love to hear any tips or tricks you have in the comments!

Rex and Isla Splash Pad
Rex and Isla walk Rain week

8/1/2023 - Rain, Long Walks and the Splash Pad!

Hey guys! Guess what? We finally had rain last night after four looong months. It was refreshing AF to go out this morning for our walk with the cooler temps. We even went on the long walk that we used to do all the time before it got too hot. yay! We met some familiar faces, including our cuddly pittie friend and our amigos Emmy and Mason who are escaping to cooler weather real soon for a short vacation.


But the real highlight of the day was seeing the splash pad working when we went to the park tonight. It’s been broken for weeks and we finally got to experience it! I was oozing happiness and mom managed to shoot some pictures to share with you all. So, that’s it for now. Catch you later! Peace out, Rex.

Ariat Shelter Dog Rain Week
Luca Shelter Dog Rain Week
Bowzer Shelter Dog Day Rain Week

8/2/2023 - Early Morning and Shelter Dogs

Hey guys! Mom woke us up at the crack of dawn today for our walk. It was her day to lend a hand at the shelter and walk some pups, so we took our walk early so she could be at the shelter before it was super-hot. We had a nice walk, and the best part was there were hardly any other people out. We even got to see a coyote; we hadn’t seen one in a while so that was cool. Mom tried to get a picture, but I like to tell them to stay away so she couldn’t get her phone out in time for one.


Mom did her volunteer orientation at the shelter last week and is now an official volunteer! This means she can take any dogs out that she wants without having to wait for shelter staff to get them for her. Today was her first day going solo and she was a bit nervous. But she did great – she managed to get out three dogs, including her fav, Ariat. Next week, she hopes to take out even more. She took some pics and promised to post them, so stay tuned! That’s all from Rex for now, talk to ya soon!