Hey guys! Rex back here with you this week. The temperatures have finally cooled off, so we have had longer walks and more outside time! And last week was national walk your dog week – we missed it but are making up for it this week! Hopefully you guys get to go out on some awesome walks like we do. Besides our awesome walks, we have shelter dog fun and updates, more splashpad fun (it hasn’t closed yet, yay!) and fun frisbee time with both me and Isla. Keep reading to find out more about our walking week adventures!!

Rex and Isla Walk Your Dog Week

Walk Your Dog Adventure Week!! 10/7/2023 - 10/13/2023

All our shelter buddies listed below are available for adoption at the Pinal County Animal Shelter in Casa Grande, AZ!

New Bunny Park Walk
Rex and Isla Bunny Park Walk

Monday October 9, 2023 - New Bunny Park!

Hey friends! How’s it going? We’re now on day two of super long morning walks, covering 5 miles and some more! It’s great to be back doing long walks again after the summer heat.


You won’t believe what we found today – a new bunny park! We’ve been eyeing it from a distance for so long, but because of the heat, Mom never let us check it out. But today, it was cool enough to try it out! And oh boy, what an experience! We saw so many bunnies and had all the time in the world to explore. Sadly, we can’t do this every day because it makes our walk longer, but we’re definitely going back.

And tonight wasn’t any less exciting. We walked up to the park, not expecting to play in the dog park, because it’s usually closed in October to plant winter grass. Surprisingly, they left one side of it open, so we got to enjoy some playtime. But that’s not all – the splash pad was empty, and we had it all to ourselves! It should shut down after October 15th, so fingers crossed we’ll get a few more chances to play in it.


That’s all for today – I’ll send more updates as the week goes along. Rex signing off for the day!

Remi Shelter Dog
Roscoe Shelter Dog

Wednesday October 11, 2023 - Early Morning Walk & Cute Shelter Pups

Hey guys! Today was our usual early morning walk day and then mom had her shelter adventure. We woke up way too early, but it was worth it because it was nice and cool outside, so mom took us a bit further than usual. We even thought we spotted a creature, but it was all good, it didn’t come too close to us. Do you guys ever see strange things on your walks? Mom always brings her flashlight just in case, you can check it out plus some of our other walking gear on our Products We Love page!


Mom went to the shelter after our walk. Sadly, our little buddy Derry hasn’t been adopted yet. He is such a sweetheart and deserves a new home. Let’s hope he finds one soon! While at the shelter, mom met all her favorite buddies and had so much fun! Last week she had gotten a cute nose bump from Roscoe, today he enjoyed butt scratches on their walk. He was so happy! Derry also had a great time getting treats and enjoying the company. And lastly, Remi was thrilled to be out walking in the cooler weather.


Before she left, mom gave out yummy treats to lots of the pups there. Their favorite treat is Pup-peronis. You should check them out too on our Products We Love page! And when you order them, a lot of shelters/rescues have instructions that you can have them delivered directly there. What a great way to help all of our buddies that are looking for new homes!


 That’s all from me today. Hope you are having an awesome week! Later gaters!

Derry Shelter Dog2
Derry Shelter Dog
Rex and Isla Crazy Walk Week
Isla stubborn walk

Friday October 13, 2023 - Walk With Stubborn Isla

Hola everyone, it’s Rex! Still out here on our walking adventure week. Today’s morning stroll was beautiful, but we hit a little snag. My sis Isla was being a bit of a pain in the butt.☹


She wanted to take some routes that we just couldn’t do. Mom and I tried to work with her, but sometimes she just didn’t see things our way. First, she wanted to walk on the golf course (major no-no). It took a bit of convincing, but we finally got Isla away from that idea.


Then she wanted to go back to the park we just left. We had to try really hard to get her to move on. Isla’s stubborn as a mule. When she digs in her paws, she’s not moving!


Finally, mom had to sit down and have a chat with her. And it worked! Isla may have pouted for a bit, but she eventually got over it and we found some bunnies and lizards to hunt. Do any of you have annoying siblings like Isla? We are thinking it is the Friday the 13th affect, haha!


Well, that’s all for me for this week, Isla will be with you next week! Have an awesome day!!