Hey everyone! Isla here for the week. Guess what? Mom and dad totally ditched us and went on vacation without us. Rude, right? But, they made it up to us by sending us to this cool place where we got to hang out with new buddies, explore outside, and just have a blast. Plus, they made sure to fill us in on all their vacay stories, so we didn’t feel left out. Check out all the details of our epic week below!

Mom and Dad Golf

Vacation Adventure Week!! 11/4/2023 -11/10/2023

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Homecoming week Walking challenge

Before we get started on our week, we wanted to update you on our walking challenge we are doing. It started at the beginning of November. Our goal is to walk 150 miles throughout the month. We will have some catching up to do because of our vacation, but up until we left we have walked 33 miles. So only 117 to go when we get back! If you are looking for any gear to help make your walks easier and more enjoyable, check out our Follow Along with Us page – go to our Shop Our Favorite Products on Our Amazon Storefront!! We have a section there for the perfect walking gear – all things we use and love! And we will keep you posted on our walking challenge!

Vacation Sunset
Vacation Week

Saturday November 4, 2023 – Vacation Surprise

Hey there! So, get this – it’s Saturday and mom and dad took Rex and me on a super early morning car ride. We were totally confused but went along with it anyways. Next thing we know, they drop us off at a place we’ve been to before and just leave us there! Seriously?? Rex and I were not happy campers.


But we finally got to play with the other dogs, and it was alright. Since we haven’t been there for a while, we didn’t recognize any of the other pups there, but it was still fun. We played until dinner time and then got some rest. And guess what – for dinner we got food that mom usually makes for us at home! We were so stoked that they had our fav food.


Later, we found out that mom and dad made it to their destination and started their vacation without us – rude! Anyways, we’ll keep you guys updated on what’s going on with us and I’ll fill you in on my mom and dad’s vacay too. Hope you guys are having a great week! – Isla 🐾

Vacation Golfing Bird
Vacation Golfing Crocodile

Tuesday November 7, 2023 – Fun Playtime and Crocodiles!

Hey guys! So, we’re still at the vacation place and mom and dad haven’t come home yet. We’re starting to get used to being here though. Yesterday, we hung out with the little ones and got to play with some adorable goldendoodles. It was so much fun!


We heard that mom and dad went golfing and saw FOUR crocodiles! Can you believe it? They also hung out at the beach and went swimming in the ocean. We’re so jealous. We’ve never even seen the ocean before! Hopefully, they’ll take us with them on their next adventure.


Oh, and we have some shelter news that we heard this week. Our shelter is doing a special program called Home for the Holidays. They are paying people to foster dogs for the four weeks of November. It is only certain dogs and they have qualifications you have to pass to be able to foster these dogs, but it is to try and get the dogs out of the shelter environment for a few weeks. Hopefully some of the foster homes will be their forever home! If you want to find out more about this program, check out their Facebook page.


Anyway, we’re still going to be here for a few more days at least. We’re even going to try playing in the big yard tomorrow. We’ll let you know how it goes! This is Isla signing off. See ya!

Remi Home for the Holidays
Vacation Ocean View

Friday November 10, 2023 – Biggies Yard and Day of the Dead

Hey there! So, the week is almost over and mom and dad still haven’t arrived to pick us up. What’s up with that? They promised they wouldn’t be too long, but it feels like an eternity! Anyway, on the bright side, we’ve been hanging out in the biggies yard and I even made a new furry friend. He’s so nice and we play together all the time. I’ve even got the courage to bark during our games, but don’t tell anyone because it’s supposed to be quiet around here.


Rex is not as outgoing as me, but he’s made some new buddies too. We’re having loads of fun, but we sure do miss mom and dad and our bunny and kitty back home!


Apparently, dad had a rough start yesterday, but thankfully he felt better after a while and joined mom at the pool. They went to a beach today and had so much fun. Oh, and they tried this restaurant with a Day of the Dead theme. Not sure what that is, but it sounded pretty cool. Anyway, we’re getting ready for bed and that’s all for this week. Rex will be taking over next week, so stay tuned for more adventures! See ya later alligators!