This is Rex

Crazy Rex

Looking for a new pup

Rex joined us in June of 2017. We had just recently lost one of our border collies, Billy, at 16. That left us with our 14-year-old border collie, Wiggs. We had been thinking about getting another younger border collie but were waiting as we thought it would be a bit much for Billy to deal with a young dog.


We did quite a bit of research into getting a new dog. Our first thought was do we want a puppy? But finding a border collie puppy was not an easy thing. And since there are so many dogs in rescue needing homes, we decided that adopting a rescue would be our best option.

Road trip

Now the journey to find our new family member. We looked at shelters and border collie rescues in the Midwest. In the past, we had been members of Wisconsin Border Collie Rescue. Three of our border collies had been adopted from there and we had fostered several border collies through them, so they were one of the first rescues we checked out. As we were checking their website, we found a blue merle border collie named Rex listed. Rex had been living on a farm in Missouri with his brother, and for an unknown reason, the farmer decided to take both of them to the shelter. The shelter contacted rescues and Rex and his brother ended up at Wisconsin Border Collie Rescue.


Wiggs was older and he could be cranky with other dogs, so we needed to find the right dog to fit with him. Reading the bio on Rex, he seemed like he would be the perfect fit. We filled out the adoption request and waited to hear back. After going through their procedures, they approved us to meet Rex. His foster home was about a 6 ½ hour drive from us, so we scheduled a visit on a Saturday morning. With Wiggs in tow, we headed north to meet Rex.

Best buddies
Rex selfie 1

Is Rex our new family member?

As stated before, Wiggs tended to be cranky with new dogs. But it was more noise and no action. Just growling and grumbling. So when we arrived and after we had met and fell in love with Rex, we brought Wiggs in for the final test on whether Rex would come home with us. Not surprisingly, Wiggs’ first reaction was to walk around the room growling and grumbling.


We then decided to take the dogs out for a short walk together. Getting them outside would be a true test of how they got along. If Wiggs was still grumbly them it may not be a good fit. Fortunately, once we were outside walking them together, Wiggs was okay with Rex. So after our walk we filled out the appropriate paperwork and headed on our way home with both Wiggs and Rex.

Rex and ball
Whose your buddy

Rex is our heart

6 ½ hours later we were back home. Rex ended up being one of the best things for Wiggs. He was able to get Wiggs to play again and they had a wonderful relationship for the last 2 years of Wiggs’ life. Now Rex makes things crazy for his sister Isla and cat and bunny friends, Niang and Hopps. And he is our heart.


Rex hopes that you love reading about our insane adventures. He says he will do his best to keep everyone entertained and will try and help out with informative blogs. He would also like to hear about your insane adventures and what kinds of things you do with your insane friends!