Squirrel week. When we moved to Arizona, we didn’t see any squirrels for a long time. Now we see them almost every morning when we walk. An odd fact about them here is that where we live now, they don’t build nests up in trees, they live in holes in the ground. Isla and Rex don’t care where they live – as long as they can watch and try to chase them! Read more for our exciting squirrel week adventures!

Squirrel by wash
Rex walking break
Rex walking curious

Sunday 6/4/2023 - Spooky Isla and record bunnies!!

Hey there, Rex here today. So, our squirrel week adventures didn’t start so go for my sister Isla. This morning she was a bit of a spooky mess. We were heading out for our usual walk when she started hearing these big boom noises that freak her out. Mom tried to tell her that it was okay to keep going, but Isla didn’t believe her. Instead she just got spooked and made us go back home.


Once we were home, Isla still really wanted to go with us. But unfortunately Mom said we had to leave her at home and just go on our own. We felt bad, but we knew the scary noises weren’t going to stop and we couldn’t keep going back and forth all day.


I felt kind of bad because Isla missed out on a fun walk. We broke our record for bunnies, 51 bunnies. My sister would have been ecstatic!! Plus, while we were on a break at the park, we saw our friend Joe and his wife and pup, and they stopped and talked to us for a while.


Oh well, I did get a lot of mom time just myself, and I was very excited about that. And we usually only hear the noises that scare my sister on the weekends, so hopefully she won’t be a basket case for our walks this week.


Well hope everyone had a great weekend. Rex out!!!

Golfing on vacation in Tuscon
Rex and Isla resting

Wednesday 6/7/2023 - Vacation time

Good evening – Isla here! So, Mom and Dad decided to take a little break this week, which meant Rex and I got to go to Bill’s Mutt House to have some fun with our furry friends. Don’t get me wrong, Bill’s Mutt House is pretty cool, but nothing beats being home.


We always make friends at Bill’s, but we miss mom and dad. Bill’s does post videos and reels all the time on Instagram, so mom and dad get to keep an eye on us. And they sent us a picture while they were gone – it looked like they had fun! Pretty jealous, but don’t tell them that. 


Anyway, we’re back home now and just taking it easy for the night. Stay tuned for more exciting adventures tomorrow! Nighty night!

Squirrel up close in park
Isla squirrel watching 2

Thursday 6/8/2023 - Squirrel-tastic adventure!

Isla here today. We had a squirrel-tastic walk this morning!! No loud boom noises, and lots of squirrels! I’m still a bit bummed that I missed the record bunny counts the other day and that we missed a few days because mom and dad had to take a vacation. But the squirrels made up for it this morning.


We have found two places on our favorite route where the squirrels hang out. Mom let us hang out for a little bit at each place today which was awesome. In our first squirrel spot, one squirrel just sat there right in front of us for about five minutes. It was hard to sit still and not chase him, but mom said we had to keep our distance.


Once we got to our second spot, I got to stare at another squirrel for a long time. My brother Rex was getting bored, but I didn’t care. I kept that squirrel at bay. He wanted to come down the hill, but I wouldn’t let him. Finally, mom said we had to get going and head home. Not sure why as watching squirrels all day sounds fun, but I didn’t have a choice in the matter.


Well, we are back home now. No more squirrels for today. Hope you enjoy the pictures mom was able to take. Chat later!! Isla out!!

Isla squirrel watching
Rex squirrel watching
Squirrel by wash 2