One of Rex’s favorite things is the splash pad in the park. And this week was the first time this year that we have been able to go and let him use it. So, this week is splash pad week! Keep reading to hear about Rex’s fun in the splash pad, updates on our bunny counts, and how Isla’s loud noise fears are progressing. 

Rex splash pad fun

Splash Pad Week Adventures!! 4/15/2023 - 4/21/2023

April 15, 2023 - First splash pad night of the year!!

On Saturday night, we went on our normal dog park visit. Afterwards, we decided to try out the splash pad. And to Rex’s excitement, it was open and there was no one in it! As the weather continues to get nicer, it will get busy, and we will not be able to go. So, we were pleasantly surprised to be able to let Rex play.


Because drinking too much water can be a concern for dogs that are obsessed with water, we do have to limit our time at the splash pad. Even if no one shows up we do not let him stay too long. Plus, Isla does not really understand this obsession that Rex has and gets bored quickly. So, Rex got to spend ten-fifteen minutes in the splash pad and then it was time to head out on the rest of our walk.

Rex splash pad fun2

April 16, 2023 - Drama on our walk!

Rex and Isla walk 1 - Insane dog blog cover
Isla and Rex walking - splash pad week

A bit of drama happened on our Sunday morning walk. We were counting bunnies and had just walked into an area we call ‘bunny land’, and Rex started limping on his right front foot. He has tender feet and tends to get burs and thorny sticks stuck in them very easily. When I kneeled to look at it, he had a quarter inch thorn stuck right in the middle in between his pads. This seemed quite painful for him; thus, he would not let me help to get it out. Whenever I would try and hold him still, he would start to panic, and I could not get a hold of it to get it out.


Obviously, since it was painful for him to try and walk on it, I could not let us walk all the way back home. Time to call and wake up dad to come and rescue us. So, we walked a short distance to get to a spot in the shade in the parking lot and waited.


Of course, when he arrived, Miss Isla did not recognize him at first and had to be her ferocious self, lol. But that lasted about three seconds and then there was all kinds of excitement since dad was there! At that point we were able to get Rex and Isla in their crates in the vehicle and headed home.


As soon as we were home and inside, we both sat down and looked at Rex’s paw. Evidently, he was able to get the thorn out of his paw by himself once he was in his crate on the way home. We checked all over it and there was no sign of the thorn. So, all ended well after dad rescued us.

Monday 4/17/2023 - Update on Isla's fears

Rex and Isla walk - break - splash pad week
Isla and Rex lamb week pond rest

Update on Isla’s fear of loud boom noises. On our Monday morning walk, we heard gunshots from the national guard range that is close to where we live. Normally in the recent past, this is something that would scare her enough that she would panic and insist that we turn around and head home immediately.


Subsequently to my surprise, she would look at me, and if I were not looking at her or saying anything, she would continue to walk forward. This went on for a while. We were halfway through our walk before they stopped, and Isla did not panic at all. On occasion she would start to seem concerned, but that would quickly go away.


We have started giving her CBD oil, along with me trying not to show any emotion or give her any reassurance that the noises are not normal. Currently, I feel that both things are helping. We will continue to keep everyone updated as to how she progresses.


We are also curious to hear if you are having the same types of issues, what is working for you. Comment if you have thoughts on this. Thanks!

Wednesday 4/19/2023 - Bunny counts

Bunny - Insane dog blog cover

After our big bunny count day, a couple of weeks ago, our counts leveled out to average 12-17 a day. And then today we had another big day – 23 bunnies! Not sure why they were out in full force today, but the doggies were not complaining! Along with the bunnies, we saw a hummingbird and a road runner.  


So our week was close to ending on a good note! Hopefully we will continue to see lots of bunnies and Isla’s fear will continue to lessen.