Hey y’all, Rex here with our weekly update! We had a blast this week – got to have two gotcha day celebrations, met a couple of unexpected doggos on our evening stroll, and even saw our coyote pals. Keep reading to catch up on all the fun we’ve had!

Rex, Isla, Hopps gotcha day week

Double Gotcha Day Week!! 8/19/2023 - 8/25/2023

Isla and Hopps gotcha day week

Sunday 8/12/2023 - Hopps the Bunny Gotcha Day!

Hey, guess what?! Today was Hopps gotcha day! Can you believe it’s already been two years since he joined our little family? It definitely took me some time to get used to having a bunny running around and not chasing after him every chance I got. But I soon realized that Hopps is not like the bunnies we see on our walks, so I eased up on the chasing.


With the weather being so hot, we haven’t been able to take him outside much, but mom took him out early this morning to get some grass time. As soon as it cools down, we’ll spend more time with Hopps outside. Interesting story, we didn’t plan on getting a bunny – we actually found him on our nightly walk when someone left him all alone. We tried to find his owners and even a rescue place for him, but no luck. So Hopps stayed with us! Check out Hopps story on our about us page. Happy Gotcha Day Hopps!

Coyote walk
Rex and Isla coyoteville

Tuesday 8/14/2023 - Coyotes and Wandering Pups!

Hey guys! Today was awesome! The weather was a bit cooler than usual so we ended up going for a longer walk and boy, did we have a blast! Catching the beautiful sunrise was the cherry on top of our walk. We strolled down Isla’s fav street which has all the lizard bushes she loves and it was so much fun watching her go crazy over them haha.


And guess what? We saw two coyotes! The first one was in the weirdest spot, sleeping of all things! We were kinda surprised but also relieved to see it breathing, so we figured it must have just needed a power nap before heading home. The second one was near their home so that was cool too. We don’t see them too much right now so it was a bit of a surprise to see two of them in one day!


In the evening, on the way to the park, we ran into two pups wandering around off-leash. I geta bit over-excited when I see off-leash pups wondering around so mom held me back a bit! Isla greeted them calmly and they just went on their merry way. And then, we went to the dog park and the splash pad (my fave!) and called it a day. Hope you had a fab day too! Talk to you soon. Rex over and out!

Jonas shelter dog day
Collins Shelter Dog

Wednesday 8/15/2023 - Shelter Dog Day!

Heyyyy guys! Just wanted to pop in real quick for a Wednesday update since it’s mom’s shelter dogs day! We woke up crazy early and went for a walk – my sis Isla wanted to take the long route, so we had to book it to make sure mom wouldn’t be late. But, we made it in time!


After that, mom went to the shelter to hang out with all the adorable pups and help them stretch their legs. As usual she got some cute pics.


Alrighty, that’s all for now folks. Catch you on the flip side!

Bowzer shelter dog
Ariat shelter dog
Rex and Isla sunrise gotcha week
Isla relaxing gotcha week

Thursday 8/17/2023 - Isla's Gotcha Day!

Hey everyone, Isla here! I’m taking over for Rex today because it’s my gotcha day! Can you believe it’s already been five years since my family adopted me from AHeinz57 rescue? Time flies when you’re having fun! We didn’t have a party since it’s a weekday, but we still had a blast.


This morning, we took an extra-long walk and enjoyed the beautiful sunrise. I even got to hunt some lizards and play in the sprinklers! Then we walked through coyoteville, but thankfully, we didn’t see any coyotes.


After breakfast, we relaxed in the backyard and hunted more lizards. Then I took a nap and chilled with mom, dad, and Rex.


This evening, we weren’t sure if we would get to go on our nightly walk, as there were storms around us all evening. But the storms all ended up missing us, so we got to walk! We visited the dog park (although it ended up being hot and we got bored quickly). And then it was splash pad time, which was super fun – I mostly just walked around and then laid in the water, but Rex went wild!


We made it home without running into any storms and I’m totally exhausted. It was a very long and fun day! If you want to find out more about how how I joined the insane dogs family, check out my story on our about us page. Catch you guys next week! Later gaters!

Isla gotcha day
Ross, Rex and Isla gotcha day