Hey everyone, it’s Isla! Since it was Rex’s birthday week, Rex and I switched who is chatting with you. I’ll be with you for the next couple of weeks but Rex will update you this week. And yep, he just turned seven and it was pretty awesome! He had a big birthday bash, got some sweet new toys, and had all sorts of fun. So definitely keep reading if you wanna hear all about Rex’s birthday week shenanigans!

Isla Rex's Birthday week Homecoming

Rex's Birthday Week!! 9/16/2023 - 9/22/2023

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Remi Shelter Dog
Jonas shelter dog football week
Bowser Shelter Dog Rex's Birthday week
Isla Rex Lizard watching Rex's Birthday week

Monday September 18th, 2023 – Shelter Dogs & 30th Anniversary Day

Hey guys! Today was quite a day for us! So, Mom visited the shelter dogs on a different day than usual, plus today was a pretty special occasion – Mom and Dad’s 30th anniversary!


Our day started early, as Mom has to be at the shelter around 6am. Since it still gets hot here during the day, we had to walk before she left for the shelter. Can’t wait for the weather to cool off so we can sleep in a little later. We had a nice walk before sunrise, and then Mom went off to the shelter.

Her buddies she normally walks at the shelter still haven’t find their forever homes, which is a bummer! So Mom walked Bowser Wowser, who gave lots of kisses as usual. Then she walked Jonas (a beautiful white shepherd), and Remi (a kelpie mix that has been at the shelter for over a year!). She took lots of pictures and hopes they find their homes soon!

After Mom got home from the shelter, Mom and Dad went to celebrate their anniversary at lunch. When they came back, we celebrated with them too by playing ball and catching lizards in our backyard. It was such a good time.

Later that night, we went on a walk to the park and saw a skunk! Yikes! Luckily it wasn’t in the dog park. Something similar happened to us a couple of years ago though, and let me tell you — it was not fun. We ended up smelling like skunk for months. Hopefully that won’t happen again anytime soon! Alright friends, that was our busy day. Catch you later! Rex out.

Rex and Isla Ball
Rex's Ball Rex's Birthday

Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 – Rex’s Birthday!!

Hey everyone! It’s my birthday today, I’m officially seven years old! Time flies, right?😂 Anyways, I had a blast today. It was Rex’s birthday week shenanigans day!


Started off with my morning walk with mom and Isla. I tried to be really good too and not bark at too many cars. We went further than usual since the weather’s getting cooler. Bumped into that annoying road runner again, but you can check out our TikTok for all the deets on him.


After that, we went lizard hunting at the park and came home to chill in the yard and watch for more lizards. Mom made cupcakes but somehow messed up the pics…typical.😅


Then came the best part: presents! Got four new squeaky balls and a duck that’s great for to chew on! Isla was trying to make all the toys hers, but mom talked to her and convinced her that it was my birthday, so I got first try at them. I did share them with her because I’m really a really good boy. Here are the cool toys I got if you want to see them. Mom also added them to our Products We Love page if you want to check out all the cool stuff there too!

Next, we walked to the park where we had the time of our lives. Splash pad, dog park, you name it. Safe to say, I’m wiped. Hope you guys enjoyed reading about my birthday as much as we enjoyed our day! That’s all from me, catch you guys later!🐾

Spooky Isla Walk Rex's Birthday Week
Morning walk Rex's Birthday

Friday September 22, 2023 – After Rex'x Birthday - Spooky Isla Again

Hey pals! Happy Friday! Who else is excited for the weekend? I’m just planning on taking my usual walks, annoying my family a bit, and maybe chasing after some cars for fun. Nothing too crazy.

Speaking of walks, my sister Isla was a bit of a super freak this morning. We were out having a good time when we heard some loud gunshots from the national guard range nearby. Isla was not a happy pupper at that point and refused to move for a bit. But we eventually convinced her to start walking towards home. But then she was a bit of a spaz the rest of the way. We finally made it home, safe and sound.

Then this evening, we tried to walk to the park but there were still more gunshots. So Isla was having none of our walk. Fortunately dad was able to convince her to take a shorter walk around our neighborhood instead. By the time we got home there were no more gunshots,  so Isla was totally fine and back to her usual happy self. Hopefully we are done hearing them for a while

That’s all from me for now, folks. Isla will be taking over for a couple of weeks, but I’ll pop in here and there. Catch you all later, gaters! Have a fantastic weekend!