Hey guys – Isla here with you this week! It’s been quite an exciting October week. We have had lots of great walks with all the cooler weather. I did have a down morning this week because mom took Rex to a class and left me behind at home, that made me sad (more about that later). And we had a really windy October morning! I’ll get into more of all of these throughout my updates. Keep reading to find out more about our fall October adventures from this week!

Rex and Isla Walk Your Dog Week

October Fun Week!! 10/14/2023 - 10/21/2023

Rex and Isla October pictures
Rex October walk delay

Saturday 10/14/2023 – Windy October Morning & Night Time Fun!

Yo buddies! Today was crazy with all the wind. Mom was like “let’s not stay out too long”. So we didn’t get to go for our usual long walk. Bummer, right?


While on our walk, Mom wanted to take these cute pics with the sunrise behind us. But Rex was like “I’m bored” and started jumping on me. Chaos, man. Finally, mom was able to get us all settled down again. And eventually she was able to get a couple of cute pics.


Then we had to head home to get out of the wind. Since we’re in this windy area we have to be careful of getting valley fever. I already had that before, and it was not cool. Check out the following posts if you want to find out more about valley fever or about my experience with valley fever.


Valley Fever in Dogs


Valley Fever and Miss Isla


We spent most of the day indoors, but by dinnertime it was nicer out so we hung outside and watched some football. The game lasted longer than we thought, so we had to postpone our nightly walk which Rex was not psyched about. But it turned out to be super cool because the park was practically empty, and we got to hit up the splash pad and dog park without any crowds. Pretty rad, right?



That’s all for now, I’ll be back with you later this week with more updates. Catch ya later gaters!! Isla signing off.

Sunshine shelter event
Kiwi shelter event

Tuesday 10/17/2023 – Shelter Dog Adventures

The cute dogs here are available for adoption at the Pinal County Animal Shelter in Casa Grande, AZ!

Hey guys! So today was supposed to be an awesome day at the shelter. Mom went to help with going to a Hospice with three of the cutest shelter dogs that you could ever imagine! The dogs have such great temperaments and get along really well with people. Their names are Miss Sunshine, Kiwi, and Dakota – and they are beautiful pups!


When they got there, they were told that they should have brought puppies instead. Uh, what?! They never asked for puppies! Plus, little pups can accidentally scratch and hurt people. Then they were told that the dogs looked too scary for the people in the hospice. Like, what?! They were calm and friendly dogs. One worker suggested letting people who weren’t afraid of big dogs come see them, but the other said no.


Anyway, they decided to take the dogs back to the shelter because no one was letting them show how amazing these shelter dogs really are. It stinks that they wasted all this time and stressed the dogs out, but at least they got lots of treats and love when they got back! We’ll definitely have more happy shelter dog updates later – promise! Okay bye for now, Isla out!

Rex Crazy class
Rex October class 2

Friday 10/20/2023 – Spooky October Friday and Unhappy Isla

Hello, my fellow peeps! So, guess what today is? It’s eleven days until Halloween, and we’re getting all geared up for some spooky shenanigans.


Our day today started off with our usual morning walk, where we spotted lots of bunnies and lizards (typical!). After that, we had breakfast and some morning snooze-time. Then Mom took Rex out for a scent work class, and I was left at home with Dad. Sigh, I was not a happy camper, and I made sure they knew it by howling a tune. Sadly, they didn’t come home any faster, so my howling was all for naught. *wags tail in defeat*


Once they were back, Rex spilled the beans about his scent work class, and I gotta say… it sounded a bit terrifying at first! But Rex was a pro by his third turn and quickly figured out which box had the tasty treats. Mom said they’ll be going to these classes for a while… I’m not really sure how I feel about that! Oh, and thanks to dad’s sneaky moves, there’s a video of me acting up when they were gone (thanks, dad).


Alright, folks, until next time – have an awesome weekend, kiddos! Isla, over and out!