Meet the

Insane Crew!!

Rex and Isla Desert Walk
Rex and Isla love

Click here to meet Rex!

Click here to meet Isla!

My dogs are insane, and they drive me insane. I tell them that every day. Of course, I love my dogs and they are my best friend. But they are totally insane.


Do you have a crazy dog that you love? Can they be highly challenging some days with their quirky behaviors? I know a lot of you have them. No matter how much of our world they are to us, we are definitely all of theirs. Occasionally, there are definitely times when we could use some love, support and ideas from other people with these wonderful pups.


We want to help you survive with your crazy fur friends. How can we do this? By giving tips, ideas and sharing things that have and have not worked for us.

Who are we?

I’m Kim! My husband and I live out in Arizona with our crazy bunch – our two dogs, Rex and Isla and our bunny, Hopps. Our late kitty Niang was an also integral part of our crazy bunch.


I am not a professional trainer or behaviorist and am not trying to be either. I’ve  been around dogs for over 20+ years, taught agility classes, and worked with rescue including fostering and relinquishment. Oh, and I’ve also been a pretty insane dog mom to a whole bunch of pups over the years. I want to share what I’ve learned that can help you with your wild pups!


We’ll be sharing all sorts of tips, tricks, and cool products that have helped us live with our own furry chaos. We’re also going to be sharing some of our own adventures and stories so you can get to know us a bit better. And if you’ve got some wild stories or helpful hints of your own, we’d love to hear them! Just drop them in the comments.

If you have questions or specific need, head over to our contact us page and give us a shout! We can’t wait to hear from you, and we promise we won’t bite! 

Click here to see how Niang and Hopps joined our crew!

Funny Isla and Niang

The Insane Crew

Meet our furry family! Rex is our wild and crazy boy – an 8-year-old border collie/cattle dog mix that we adopted from Wisconsin Border Collie Rescue when he was around 9 months old.


Next we have his partner in crime, Isla – a 6-year-old lab/boxer/terrier/aussie/everything mix that we adopted from a AHeinz57 rescue when she was just a little nugget of about 3 months old. She’s the one who helps keep everyone grounded and reigns in the insanity.


Last but not least is our bunny Hopps, that we believe was dumped in our area about 3 years ago.


We lost our kitty Niang this last March at the age of 18. He was a big part of our chaos and we miss him dearly.