Lamb week adventures – Since our March seemed to come in like a lion and out like a lamb, this week’s adventures are our lamb week adventures. Continue reading to hear more about how our lamb week went!!

Lamb week

Lamb Week! 3/31/2022 - 4/6/2022

Friday 3/31 - Last Day of March

Lamb week begins the last day of March as it went out like a lamb. Our lamb week adventure began with beautiful sunrise. Of course then it attempted to rain on us, but that didn’t last long. Afterwards, we had the joy of viewing a beautiful rainbow.


Although towards the end of our walk, Rex did have a couple of moments of craziness. First was deciding that barking someone after they were by us was a good idea. Of course it was not a good idea. Consequently, we had a nice conversation about how people ignoring us means we ignore them.


Next he thought that his sister Isla wanted to play in the dirt, which entailed him jumping on her and getting her all dirty.


Lastly, he decided that it would be fun to continuously roll around in the dirt. Evidently he didn’t need to listen when I said it was enough. 

Lamb week - Isla and Rex resting

Hence, while I’m sure that all of this was fun, both him and Isla were a mess.


Subsequently, that turned into bath’s for both of them when we got home. Neither of them were thrilled. Wish there was a way to convey to that rolling around in the dirt equates to a bath. 


We would love to hear your stories of when your dogs end up with a mind of their own on your walks. Comment and give us your stories and ideas!

Rex - lamb week bath

Sunday Lamb Week Adventures - 4/2

Rex and I enjoyed our Sunday morning lamb week walking adventures with just the two of us. There were shooting drills at the National Guard base near us that morning, so Miss Isla was too spooked to come with us.


We were lucky to see the coyotes for the first time in about three weeks. I have a picture with this post; you must really look to see him. Likewise, there was a second coyote, but we were not able to get a picture as someone else was coming down the path with dogs. It was interesting to watch them walk down the trail; you could see they had no idea the coyotes were there. This made me think how it is important to realize that there is so much more to your surroundings than you realize. Occasionally look around and try to see the things you may be missing. I have started to do that more and have learned that it makes our walks more enjoyable.


One of Rex’s least favorite part of our walks is when I tried to take a selfies of us. Obviously from the picture, Rex was not thrilled.  Nevertheless, we will keep taking them and try to get him more comfortable with pictures.


Isla missed a good walk as we found seventeen bunnies and the two coyotes on our walk – Rex had to rub it in when we got home. Although after Rex and I got home, I did take Isla out by herself for just a short 10-minute walk. I wanted to get her out even just for a brief walk so she would see that the world is not ending when she is outside of our yard.

Wednesday Lamb Week Adventures - 4/5

Wednesday’s adventures included cats, birds, and a nice trip for me!!


Fittingly, our lamb week went out like a lion, at least for me! We were on our way home and heard a noise that sounded like a dog chain behind us. I turned around to look, just to make sure someone’s dog was not loose. Subsequently, Rex decided to turn and look back at that same time. But as he did thus, he moved his entire body to be perpendicular on the sidewalk right in front of me. Of course, I did not notice this. So, I turned and went to take a step, boom – he was right in front of me where I needed to walk. Next thing I knew I was flying over him and onto the sidewalk. After doggie kisses to make sure I was okay, I was up and basically unscathed and we were on our way again.


So our moral for this day is to be careful and always try to be aware of your dogs. Also, as long as everyone is okay, be willing to laugh at yourself when things like this happen.


We did end up with lots of pictures of our fun adventures!