Hola friends! Isla here with you. This week is friends week. We had old and new friends, plus friends that are looking for their forever homes! We truly want to help those shelter friends who need their forever homes. Keep reading now to find out more about all of the fun friend adventures we had!

Remi friends week

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This will helps us to continue creating helpful content, friends. We would never recommend something we don’t like ourselves!

If you want to help out the shelter dogs – visit our Amazon page – we have a category of things that you could send to your local shelter or rescue that would really help them out. 

Friends Adventure Week!! 10/21/2023 -10/27/2023

Splash Pad Field Trip
Homecoming Friend week bunny walk

Old & New Friends Plus Splash Pad Fun - 10/21/2023

Hello fellow dog lovers! Today’s walk was truly pawsome! The crisp morning air made for the perfect weather to explore new neighborhoods. Mom took us on a journey past the bunny park and it did not disappoint. We got to see loads of bunnies and even made a new friend – Jazz! Unfortunately, our time with her was short-lived due to my brother’s over-excitement. Can’t win them all, am I right?


But wait, it gets better! We bumped into our buddies Mason and Emmy and their mom, who told us about a Barn Hunt class. Sounds like a blast, so mom is going to check it out for us. Woohoo, new adventures! We also played in the dirt because, why not? Mom wasn’t pleased but hey, it was worth it.


And to cap off the day, we hit the park and discovered the splash pad was still open! Rex was ecstatic and we made the most of it since it’s closing soon. Looks like our water fun going forward will be with the water toys mom and dad bought for us going forward.  If you want to check out the water toys for your adventures, check out our Products We Love page.


That’s all for now, folks. Stay tuned for our next thrilling adventure. Isla out!

Rex no backyard
Sneaky Isla

Backyard Troubles & Sneaky Isla - 10/23/2023

Hey guys! OMG, you won’t believe what happened today. So, Rex and I were just chilling and taking it easy on our morning walk. We were looking forward to lounging on the grass in our backyard, but then we found out Mom and Dad fenced it off! 😞


They claimed they are “over-seeding” for the winter, whatever that means. Mom said it’s so new grass will grow for the winter. We tried to negotiate with her on getting back in the yard, but she said no. She did give us some fake grass in the rock area which is a little better, but not the same as the real deal. Rex did get to play with his water toy there, but nothing for me.


I did try a little trick on them, haha. I investigated around the fence, pretending that I was hunting lizards. But instead, I was really checking out the fence to find where it had flaws. And then when they weren’t paying attention to me, I snuck in and camped out in the grass for a bit. Unfortunately, it wasn’t too long before mom they caught me and made me leave.


Anyway, I’m not gonna give up that easily. I’ll find a way to get past their defenses and get my grass fix. Stay tuned for updates! Isla out!

Derry Friend Week
Mozzi Friend Week

All our shelter buddies here are available for adoption at the Pinal County Animal Shelter in Casa Grande, AZ! Check out our Amazon Page to find products to help out your local shelter or rescue!

Shelter Dog Friends and Best Friends! - 10/26/2023

Hey there, amigos! Today was shelter dog day, which meant waking up super early for us. But it’s not a biggie, we still managed to go for our morning walks, and later on, catch up on some ZZZs when mom went to the shelter. I admit I was a little bratty on our walk, wanting to go up in the rocks, but mom said no since it was still dark out. I pouted a bit, but in the end, I stayed on the sidewalk like a good dog (and got some cookies as a reward 😉).


Mom had a busy day meeting her pals at the shelter. First up was Roscoe, who apparently hadn’t gone out for a walk in two days, which made her sad. He’s a bit timid but has really warmed up to mom. Next was Derry, the ultimate cutie who’s still up for adoption (like seriously, what’s taking so long?)


Then, there was Miss Sunshine, who was brought back after a day and a half for apparently having too much energy (seriously?). I mean, she’s been at the shelter for over a year, of course she’s going to have a lot of energy initially people! And then there was Mozzi, another handsome boy who deserves a home real soon. Lastly, she hung out with Remi who got to run around and play ball in a play area for a bit. It was a day of making new friends and catching up with old ones!


And the highlight of our day? Seeing our friends Arti and his pup Bru on our evening stroll! It was such a wonderful day, we can’t wait for next week’s adventures. Later gaters!

Roscoe Friends Week
Remi friends week 2