Hey guys – Rex here with you this week. We had an exciting week including things from my sister being a super freak because it was dove hunting season ☹ to a broken splash pad and fun football games! We have designated this week our football fun week. Keep reading to find out more about our football week adventures!!!

Rex and Isla football week

Football Adventure Week! 9/9/2023 - 9/15/2023

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Roscoe shelter dog football week
Tyler shelter dog football week

Saturday September 9, 2023 - Dog Walking Update and Football Day!!

Hey guys! Just wanted to check in and give you the scoop on yesterday.


It was national dog walker appreciation day at our local animal shelter, the Pinal County Animal Shelter. So we walked, bright and early this morning. And then mom over to help out. And guess what? They had a great turnout! Lots of dogs got taken for walks and had a blast.


Mom even got to walk a new dog named Tyler who was a super cute Husky/Malamute mix. He’s been at the shelter for almost a year and we don’t know why – he’s such a good boy and deserves a forever home. And she also got to hang out with some of her favorite dogs, like Roscoe, Jonas and Bowser.


She took a ton of pictures so we’ll share them with you soon. Today we’re gearing up for a big football game – our rivalry game! We’ll catch up with you all tomorrow. Later gaters!

Bowser shelter dog football week
Jonas shelter dog football week
Rex and Isla ready for football game
Isla Rex walk football week

Sunday September 10th, 2023 - Football Game & Isla the Super Freak!

Hey, everyone! I’ve got lots of updates for you today! So yesterday was a huge football game on TV – our rivalry game! To make sure we didn’t miss anything, mom got us up early so we could get our morning walk in before the game started. My sister was a bit of a super freak out on our walk though because there were gunshots going off around us (it’s dove hunting season). But mom was able to convince her that the world wasn’t going to end and we finally got back in time to watch the game!


Before the game started, we played our own version of football with our toy footballs and chuck it squeaky balls! Oh man those squeaky balls are so much fun, they’re better on my our teeth than regular tennis balls. Then mom had put cute bandanas on us so we looked sharp for the game. Uh, not my thing, but Isla loves wearing them.


Here are both the chuck-it balls and bandanas if you want to check them out! You can get different schools for the bandanas! We highly recommend them! We also have lots of fun toys and bandanas on our Products We Love page, we recommend you check it out too!


In the end, our team didn’t win (boo) but mom and dad rallied us and we played our very own football game after. That was pretty cool! Well that’s all for today – I’ll be back later this week with more updates! T-Rex out for the day!

Rex lone walk
Isla relaxing gotcha week

Wednesday September 13, 2023 - More freaky Isla!

Hey, pals! So, the dove hunting season here is von until September 15th and that means we are still hearing gunshots during our morning walks. And that makes Isla transform into a total scaredy-cat, and she sure was one this morning for our walk.


Everything seemed okay when our walk started, but not long into it the gunshots started. We were about half a mile in when Isla declared that she was done and didn’t want to walk anymore. Mom tried everything she could to convince Isla to keep walking, but nope, nothing worked. So we had to turn back and head home.


Luckily mom said her and I could continue walking after we dropped Isla off at home. And we had a blast! We went on a different route than normal and then even walked into coyoteville, but guess what? Fortunately no coyote sightings! We found signs but no actual coyotes.


We walked about 5 miles before reaching home. Isla was stoked to see us after the long walk and was ready at that point to walk again, So my mom decided to take her out for a shorter walk around the neighborhood. Apparently, she missed us a lot while we were gone and was even howling, hoping we’d hear her and come home.


Well, that’s all for now, guys! I’ll catch you later this week. Rex, over and out!

Isla walking football week
Rex and Isla broken splash pad

Friday September 15th, 2023 - Broken Splash Pad & No More Freaky Isla!

Hey guys, jumping on with an end of week share. Today was the last day of dove hunting season and Isla did great on our morning walk. It was a quiet morning, so she wasn’t too freaked out by gunshots.


Later this evening, we went to the dog park and the splash pad. We went this evening on our normal night time walk to the dog park and the splash pad. We practically had the entire place to ourselves which was awesome. That meant and dad let us go to both sides of the dog park and play in the splash pad. We only have a couple of weeks until they shut down the splash pad for the season, so we are trying to get in a as time there in the evenings as possible.


But, the splash pad was acting a little weird. When mom turned it on, the water only shot up a few inches from the ground! After a few minutes, a couple more streams came up, but it was still not working properly. Although I didn’t care, as long as there’s water, I’m happy! And it was a little more Isla’s speed.😊


Mom promised we’ll play with some water toys this weekend and she’ll post about them next week. Anyway, have a great week ahead and Isla will catch up with you next week (minus Wednesday, because it’s my birthday so I’ll pop on and we’ll have a party!).