Welcome to Dove Week Adventures! This week, we’ve got some exciting news for you! Get ready to “aww” at the sight of baby doves outside our window. Plus, we’ve got a pawsitively amazing rescue story and a record-breaking bunny count that will have you hopping with excitement. Seriously, folks, this week is for the birds…and the bunnies. So sit tight and let’s dive into our feathered and furry festivities!
Dove Week Adventures!! 4/29/2023 - 5/5/2023
Baby Doves!!
Hey there! We recently had the pleasure of seeing some baby doves in a nest outside our window, which led to an exciting dove week! Although it was a brief moment, it was still amazing to witness their growth and development. We woke up one morning and were surprised to see an empty nest; we searched around but couldn’t find them. We’re hoping mama dove kept the babies safely hidden under a bush or another cozy little spot. It was a cool experience, and we’re crossing our fingers that they’ll come back to us next spring!
Saturday - 4/29/2023 - Dove Week Night-time walk drama
Hey there! So, our Saturday night walk was a bit eventful. Last time, it was Rex that needed rescuing, this time it was Isla.
She wanted to venture to a nearby park before we headed home from the dog park. As we were walking, she started licking her paw, and we were worried that something might be stuck in it. We thoroughly examined it but couldn’t find any thorn or foreign object in it. Dad had to carry her home because she didn’t want to walk anymore.
Luckily, the next morning, her paw was doing just fine, and she forgot about the whole thing. It’s amazing how dogs can be so resilient, isn’t it? Anyway, has your furry buddy ever had a similar experience? Do share!
Sunday 4/30/2023 - Isla takes over and new record bunny counts!
Hey there! Isla here taking over for my mom just for a bit. I wanted to update you on our latest adventure.
Firstly, my paw is totally fine, despite what my mom says. I definitely didn’t need to be carried home for blocks, I’m a big girl! 😉
Secondly, we broke the record for bunny sightings today! We counted 37, which is almost ten more than our last record of 29 bunnies. Our next goal is to hit 40 bunnies – fingers crossed!
Lastly, Rex and I created some algorithms to keep count of our bunny sightings, like KBA (known bunny area), KBB (known bunny bush), and KBP (known bunny park). We’ll keep you posted if we come up with any other fun ones.
Alright, I’ll hand it back to my mom for our next update. Have a great day!
Thursday 5/4 - Isla takes over again - scary walk day
Hey there! It’s Isla! Happy to report that we made it back from our walk this morning, despite some pretty scary noises in the distance.
Don’t worry, Mom didn’t ignore me when I was trying to get her attention. She just didn’t think the noises were anything to worry about. Can you believe it?
But, on the bright side, we saw 21 bunnies! And, if it weren’t for these darn leashes, I know I could have caught at least a hundred. We even took a break for some treats, which was a nice distraction from the noise.
Eventually, Mom took us on the “fastest” route home, but I was pretty sure I knew a better way. Either way, we made it home safe and sound, and the world didn’t end after all! Talk to you soon! Isla out!!