Since Rex is the heart of the insane dogs and a border collie/cattle dog mix, I decided a good place to start with my blog was to talk about if you really want to get a border collie for a pet.

Border Collie Rex with antler

Do you really want a border collie?

Rex border collie heeler brown eyes

Our background with border collies

Hi there! I want to introduce you to Rex, our border collie/cattle dog mix – and believe me when I say, we absolutely adore him. Border collies are phenomenal pets – provided they are the right fit for you.


Lucky for us, we have a wealth of experience with these fantastic dogs. My husband and I had the pleasure of being part of the Wisconsin Border Collie Rescue for a while. During that time, we fostered, evaluated, and trained numerous dogs. We also helped people who were looking to adopt find their perfect match. We even trained our own dogs in agility and herding and taught agility classes while taking part in competitions. All that to say, we know a thing or two about these smart and faithful canines.

Is a border collie the right dog for you?

So you’re thinking about getting a dog, huh? Well, choosing the right breed is a big deal. If you’ve got your eye on a border collie, there are definitely some things to think about first.


For starters, border collies are pretty great. They’re cute, clever, and they’ll love you loyally. But that doesn’t mean they’re perfect for everyone. Here are a few things to consider before deciding if a border collie is your puppy soulmate.

Charlie - border collie agility

Why can a border collie be a challenge to own?

Border collies possess an inherent instinct for herding. They are primarily trained and bred for the purpose of herding livestock like sheep, cattle, and goats. As a result, they tend to display a natural inclination towards herding other moving objects, such as other pets, vehicles, or children.


When border collies exhibit herding tendencies, they may attempt to gather objects and head them off to prevent their escape. The dog often uses its gaze and will stare down what it intends to move to attempt to intimidate it. In addition, it may nip at the object, animal, or person it is trying to herd. If it does not achieve the desired result, it may escalate the situation by trying to bite its target.


It is important to understand that training cannot alter a border collie’s instinct to herd. Instead, pet owners should redirect their herding tendencies into activities like agility, frisbee, or flyball. If you are considering getting a border collie, you must be prepared to manage their herding instincts and provide the appropriate channels to redirect their energy.

Border Collies need a job!

Border collies require an appropriate amount of physical exercise. However, mental stimulation plays an equally crucial role in their well-being. As a responsible owner, it is necessary to provide both physical and mental exercise to meet their needs.


Participation in dog sports can significantly contribute to mental stimulation and physical exercise, and fortunately, various types of dog sports exist that these breeds can quickly excel in, namely, Agility, Herding, Frisbee, Flyball, Obedience, Nose-work, Tracking, and Dock diving.


If dog sports do not appeal to you or your dog, many other activities exist that you can do with your Border collie to meet their stimulation and exercise requirements. For instance, going on hikes, walks, jogging, playing ball or Frisbee, nose-work games, and dog puzzles are all viable options.

A border collie's home environment

Depending on your living situation, it is imperative to find ways to provide exercise and mental stimulation for your border collie. In this regard, owning a large yard with a fence is an ideal situation which makes it easy to spend time with them out training and exercising them. However, a smaller yard may require one to find more creative ways to exercise the border collie.


As noted, before, border collies tend to herd anything that moves, including cars, bikes, and children. So, in the scenario of no fence, you need to be able to provide supervision when the dog is outside. Lack of supervision may cause the border collie to roam, which may result in accidents and unwanted interactions.


If one lives in an apartment, owning a border collie may still be possible. Nonetheless, it requires more inventive ways to provide the dog with both mental stimulation and outlets to expend their energies. Also, before owning a dog, it is important to check with the property owner to verify if dogs are allowed.


Muddy border collie Rex and Wiggs
Rex and ball
Billy herding goats
Border collie Billy happy

Are border collies good with kids?

Please take note that there isn’t a right or wrong answer on if a border collie is good with kids. This will totally depend on your circumstances and the dog itself.


Previously we discussed that Border Collies possess an innate desire to herd, hence, they may bark or nip at children, and in some cases, bite or grip them. If the intention is to adopt a Border Collie while having children, investing adequate time in monitoring and training the pet is of utmost importance.


Providing an ample amount of physical and mental stimulation through activities like flyball, frisbee, or agility exercises is significant to keep the Border Collie engaged. In addition, it is vital to educate children about safe interactions with your pet, particularly small children, and supervise them closely. We strongly recommend never leaving an infant alone with any dog.


Comprehending these complexities is crucial in determining whether a Border Collie suits your household.

Do you have the needed time to spend with a border collie?

If one finds oneself frequently occupied with work or other obligations that necessitate prolonged periods away from home, an alternative breed of dog may be preferable to the Border Collie.


As a breed, Border Collies require more than mere companionship. Mental stimulation and an occupational outlet are essential to their well-being. In the absence of such engagement, Border Collies may develop their own activities — which could result in the destruction of personal property or unappealing holes in the garden bed.


Are you able to devote the time necessary to exercise and work with your dog regularly? It is possible that an hour or more of exercise each day may be required to satisfy your Border Collie’s activity needs. Furthermore, is there ample time available to train and socialize with your dog? Such attention is not only important for any variety of dog breed, but is especially significant when caring for a Border Collie.

All of us border collies

So is a border collie the right dog for me?

The items I have  discussed are only a few of the primary considerations to ponder when adopting a dog. There are many other aspects to consider when welcoming a new dog or pet into your home, such as the following:

– Do you have other pets that you need to introduce to a new dog? Can you afford to take care of a new dog at the moment?
– Do any of your cohabitants have allergies that may conflict with a new dog?
– Do you possess the resources necessary to care for a dog?
– Has everyone in your household agreed on acquiring a new pet?

It is imperative that you thoroughly consider various factors before bringing a new pet into your life to determine if the timing is appropriate and what breed or type of pet would be most suitable for you.