Coyote week adventures. We had spooky Isla, excess bunnies and coyote escorts this week! With our coyote escorts, this week became our coyote adventures week. Continue reading to find out more about our exciting adventures!!

Coyote Week!! 5/13/2023 - 5/19/2023

Saturday 5/13/2023 - Update from the birthday girl

Isla birthday bandana
Isla cute birthday bandana

Hey there! Isla here, just stopping by to share some additional details about my birthday yesterday. So, after my party was over, we hit up the dog park like we usually do, and ya girl was rockin’ her cute bandana. Sadly, we didn’t run into any of my buddies, but I still looked adorbs. I’m pretty sure peeps spotted us while we were struttin’ our stuff, though.


As we were leaving, someone in a truck released their doggo without any supervision and that pup came running over barkin’ and jumping all around. Now, I like a good party but that was way too much, even for me and especially my brother Rex. Gotta keep things chill once we’re out of the dog park. I won’t get into the whys, but it’s just common courtesy to keep your dog on a leash. We don’t like dogs running in our faces any more than your folks like people running in theirs.


Anyway, rant over. After that, we wrapped up our walk by counting bunnies. We spotted 15 of those little rascals, which is pretty solid for an evening stroll. And it adds to this morning’s count, too! Alrighty, catch ya later! Isla signing off for the night!

Sunday 5/14/2023 - Coyote number two!!

Coyote pair in wash
Rex and Isla coyote week - on hold
Crazy Coyote in wash

Hey guys, Rex here! So, my sister Isla did not want to come on our walk because there were some loud noises nearby. No worries though, because mom and I ended up having our second coyote encounter of the month!


We were on a different trail this time, with houses on one side and bushes on the other. Suddenly, we turned around and saw a coyote following us! We started yelling at it, but it just sat down and started barking at us – something we had never heard them do before. At that point, we decided it was best to quickly head back to the neighborhood, while I kept telling it off.


Once we got home, mom did some research and found out that the coyote was likely just “escorting” us out of its territory, since it probably had pups nearby. So, if it happens again, we are supposed to just calmly walk away into the nearest neighborhood. Not sure it will be that easy to remain calm, but we will try.


Anyway, that is all for today’s adventure. Hopefully, we won’t have any more run-ins with coyotes, but who knows? Talk to you all later!

Wednesday 5/17/2023 - Roadrunners!!

Road Runner for critter counts
Road Runner in wash

Hey there! Isla here to give you the scoop on our adventurous morning walk. We saw so many bunnies and even got up close and personal with five road runners! It was awesome.


I must admit, I can be a bit of a scaredy-cat when it comes to starting our walks in the right direction. But once we got going and didn’t run into any spooky noises, I was all about exploring.


Mom convinced me to try one of our favorite bunny routes, but we must be careful of snakes too. Luckily, we did not see any rattlesnakes.


We ended up walking five and a half miles today – woohoo! But with the heat starting to pick up, we will have to cut our walks a bit shorter soon. It’s a bummer, but we are still enjoying our early morning adventures while we can.