Bee week!! We had a scary incident in our neighborhood this week with angry, aggressive bees. Because of this, we have decided this week will be bee week. Continue reading to find out more about our adventures, the bee incident, and a little about safety if you run into swarming bees!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page for more on bee safety and this incident.

Bee week
Bee week incident
Bee week 2 incident

Sunday 5/21/2023 - A scary bee incident

Hey there, it’s Rex! Yesterday, something super weird happened in our neighborhood. So, we were on our regular evening walk when we noticed a roadblock set up by the cops heading west. And boy, were there a ton of emergency cars in the area!  My mom decided that she would investigate a little bit more by checking out our neighborhood page once we got to the park. 


It turns out that there was a warning issued due to a swarm of bees that were acting a bit too angry and aggressively. It got so bad that these bees attacked two neighbors! One was just biking through the area, and the bees swarmed him, stinging him over 30 times. But the worst bit? A man on a wheelchair bike with his pup was attacked by the swarm too. The man had to be rushed to the hospital with over 250 stings, and the poor dog ran off but eventually made it back home and to the vet. 


We’re hoping for the best and keeping our fingers crossed that these neighbors make a speedy and full recovery. That’s all I know for now, we will post an update once we know more. Rex out for now!

Monday 5/22/2023 - Bee update and a new friend

Bee incident update

Hey everyone, it’s Isla. So, we wanted to give you an update about the bee situation from yesterday. The man who got stung over 250 times had to stay overnight in the hospital, but he is home now. He’s doing much better and is on the road to recovery. The other guy who got stung over 30 times went to the hospital too, but luckily he was able to come home the same day. Both of them are doing well and aren’t allergic, which is some awesome news!


As for the cute little pup, it was stung quite a bit and ended up having an allergic reaction. It’s at the vet now and we’ll let you know how it’s doing as soon as we find out. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!

Snake at dog park
Rex happy dog park

Isla's new friend

So, it started out as just another normal night for us. We went out for a walk and hit up the dog park. And as usual, we were the only ones there. Rex played ball while I sniffed around. After Rex’s ball time, I was excited to continue our walk.


However, things got eventful outside the gate when I spotted a snake. I wanted to go over and say hello, but dad held me back. I am not entirely sure why, I mean, it wasn’t a rattler and we have gone through rattler avoidance training.


Once we got home, mom looked it up and found out that it was just a harmless night snake, a slightly venomous one, but harmless to us. I still think I could have said hi though. I still don’t know why they didn’t let me greet it, but maybe next time!


That was all the excitement we had for the night. Catch you later! Isla over and out!

Isla watching for bunnies
Big bunny counts
Rex and Isla cute walk

Friday 5/22/2023 - Huge Bunny Day!!

Hey guys! Today was a huge day for us – we went on our regular morning walk and spotted FIFTY bunnies! That’s 5-0 bunnies! Can you believe it? I thought for sure we’d max out at 40, but we broke our record.


On our walk, we bumped into our friends Emmy and Mason, and Mason is just as bunny obsessed as I am. We found them hanging out in bunny park two, and there were at least eight bunnies just chilling in the grass. Mason was glued to the spot, staring at them.


I totally get it; I could sit and watch them for hours. But my brother Rex has other ideas and always wants to chase them. So, we end up checking them out, which is cool because we get to see even more bunnies – like fifty today! Sorry, I’m still buzzing from it all.


Anyway, that’s been our day. Excited for a nice long weekend ahead, and we’re gearing up for an Indy 500 watch party on Sunday. Mom hints she’s found some outfits for us to wear…. hoping they’re just cute bandanas and nothing too crazy.


Have a great weekend, everyone – catch you next week! Isla out.”

Bee week white flower
Bee week safety

Bee Safe

Just a quick note on bee safety. What do you do if a swarm of bees attacks you? I am not an expert but did some research online after this incident. Most of the time, the bees are not going to bother you unless they feel threatened. Even the incident in our neighborhood started from someone bothering their hive, which in term made them angry and caused them to swarm. The bees then left the hive and attacked people who were in their path.


It’s important to stay calm and run away. Flailing or swatting at the bees can make them more aggressive, so try to avoid doing so. Covering your eyes and mouth can help protect those areas, but don’t try to jump in water as the bees will wait for you to surface before attacking again.


What ended up happening to the beehive in our neighborhood? My understanding is a beekeeper relocated the hive later in the week. Hopefully, this will prevent future attacks in our area from this hive.


If you want to learn more about the event, you can find the link to the story here – Bee Attack.