Hey guys. Isla here with you this week. And boy did we have an exciting week. I’m so glad that Rex and I switched weeks because now I get to tell you about all our fun this week! This last week was the first week of autumn, but we didn’t really have cooler temperatures yet. But that didn’t ruin our fun. We did have lots of bunnies, lots of lizards, a sad find on one of our walks, a mistaken identity and loads of water fun for my brother. And that was just the start of everything! Keep reading to find out how much fun our Autumn week was!!

Rex and Isla Autumn week

Autumn Week Adventures! September 23, 2023 - September 29, 2023

Sunrise walk autumn week
Rex and Isla Splash Pad Autumn week

Saturday September 23, 2023 – First Week of Autumn & Loads of bunnies!!

Hey everyone! Hope you’re all doing amazing! We had an epic start to our week with a super fun walk this morning. You won’t believe what happened! We spotted lots and lots of bunnies – 49 to be exact! Our record from this past spring was 74, but we don’t see that many right now so 49 was huge for us! After bunny hunting, we switched to lizard mode and ended up catching sight of at least 20 of them! Lizards sure are sneaky little creatures, but my nose knows where to find them.


Later in the day, we hit up both sides of the dog park and the splash pad. Rex had a ball! Unfortunately, the dog park will be closing soon for a month while they plant new grass for winter, and the splash pad will be shutting down for the season. Poor Mr. T-Rex won’t be too happy about that!


Anyways, catch up with you all later this week! Catch you later, gaters!

Isla sad walk autumn week
Rex sad walk autumn week

Monday September 25, 2023 – A Mistaken Identity, a Sad Find, & an Almost Trip!!

Hey hey! So many fun things happened today! We woke up early and strolled down our fav path. And guess what? A guy with a little pup approached us and called our mom by another name! He was really mixed up and thought our mom was Mason and Emmy’s mom. It was so funny, we couldn’t stop giggling. We told him she wasn’t and then we saw Mason and Emmy and their mom walk by. Oopsie, that must’ve confused him even more!


Later, I picked up a scent and insisted we investigate it. We happened upon two TURKEY VULTURES picking away at something. I wanted to get a closer look, but mom said no. She figured out it was a dead coyote, which made us kind of sad! 


Then, before we knew it, we found ourselves at our neighbor who normally leaves out water out for us. I was a bit sad because there was no water out today. I insisted on walking around his driveway just to be sure but didn’t find anything. Don’t worry though, we got some from mom’s supply and headed on our way.


We were going along all happy and dandy until mom tripped on the sidewalk! We thought we were going to see her kiss the concrete. But mom saved herself at the last second and we jumped around with joy (probably too much). Rex went nuts and started to rumble with me, it was turning into chaos. Finally, mom got us all calmed down and we were able to walk again.


The cherry on top was we found out there was no school today! Yipee, we meandered our time by the school, and I even had time to hunt for some lizards. Okay, that’s all from me. Hope you have a cool day like mine! Isla out!

Derry Shelter Dog Walk
Roscoe Shelter Dog Walk

Thursday September 28, 2023 – Autumn Early Morning Walk & Shelter Dog Fun

Hiya everyone! We had a very early morning today. Mom got us up way before sunrise to walk because she was going to walk the shelter dogs later. I was so ready for this morning’s walk, but mom said we couldn’t go down the dark trail or walk our longer route, which I was not happy about. I may have even pouted a little to get more treats out of her haha. But I can’t deny it, I love cookies, and I get called the “cookie monster” a lot because of it! 😜


Anyway, after our walk, mom jetted off to the shelter and walked some of her favorites, like Roscoe, Bowser, and Jonas. She had a happy moment with Roscoe this morning. Apparently, he’s not very affectionate, but today he stopped and checked in with her with a little nose boop. That was a big step for him. 😊


And then she walked this new pup named Derry. He’s had some issues getting out of his kennel, but they have been working with him on it. Today he did great with her.  And he liked to stop for treats (just like me again!). And guess what? Mom is taking him out on a field trip soon – how exciting is that!? I’ll be sure to fill you in on all the deets next week!


Don’t forget all these cuties are available for adoption at the Pinal County Animal Shelter!


Well, that’s all for now. Until next week, friends! 😎