Adventures with lizards! We had baby lizards and a staggering heat wave this week! Continue reading to see Isla’s obsession with our lizards and how we are dealing with the insane heat!

Isla Baby Lizards Watch

Adventures with Lizards! 7/15/2023 - 7/21/2023

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Isla lizard bushes

So mom has gotten us these new swamp cooling neck gaters to keep us cooler when we are out walking in the heat. You can see mine on me in my picture to the left! They work really well and we are super glad she found them!! If you are somewhere that it is hot, we highly recommend them!

Rex adventure week

Saturday 7/15/2023 - Hunting Lizards on TikTok & Lonely Dog Park Trip

Hey everyone, it’s Rex! Last night, my mom had us join a live event on TikTok. It was for DJ Cleo, a cool dog dad who DJs live on TikTok on Friday and Sunday nights. The Girls Squad of TikTok, which is a group of awesome girl pups on TikTok that my sis Isla is a part of hosted the event. We got to hang outside for the video because it’s easier to take videos of us out there. I was a little bit shy and only came on here and there, but Isla was a maniac and hunted lizards in the bushes for the camera for a super long time. Mom also got some great pictures of us, which she said she will share. 


Since Isla was tired out from lizard hunting and it was still pretty hot, she skipped our nightly walk. That meant Mom and I walked to the dog park by ourselves. At first, I was confused and wanted to wait for dad and Isla to get outside with us. But mom finally convinced me that she wasn’t going along. 


Not surprisingly, there were no other pups there because of the heat, but I still got to run around for a bit and play catch. All in all, it was a fun night. But I’m hoping that Dad and Isla will join us for the rest of the walks this week because I missed them. Talk to you all soon – Rex out!

Rex and Isla lizards week walk
Toad during lizards week
Black widow spider on walk

Tuesday 7/14/2023 - Toads, Spiders & Pig Ears

“Hey everyone! Isla here to tell you about our exciting nighttime adventure! So, after the 4th of July fireworks, I’ve been a bit scared to go for walks at night. But tonight, mom and dad had a great idea to distract me. We went on a shorter walk, on a completely different route!


And guess what? It worked! At first, I was still worried about the loud booms, but then I got distracted by all the cool stuff we were seeing. Mom said we were even hunting coyotes (which I didn’t really believe, but it added to the excitement).  But you will never guess what we did see. A poison toad and a black widow spider too! Of course, we kept our distance from those.


And when we got back home, the fun continued – my dad made us pig ears for a bedtime snack! It was such a great night and I hope we get to do things like this more often. Anyways, gotta go now. Catch ya later, alligators! Isla out!

Rex dog park during lizards week
Isla and Baby Lizards

Friday - 7/21/2023 - Baby Lizards and Dog Park Fun

Hey everyone! Isla here! It’s been so hot here in Arizona this week, we’re practically roasting! But can you believe it? We spotted baby lizards in our backyard! They’re so cute and they love to climb up and down our trees. I can’t get enough of watching them. Although, my parents have to keep an eye on me since it’s too hot to be outside for too long.

Apart from our lizard friends, we’re still continuing with our super early morning walks. This morning, we woke up a tad bit earlier and ended up going on a longer walk than usual – 4.5 miles to be precise! We saw plenty of bunnies and lizards, and we even bumped into some of our friends. Speaking of friends, we met Mason and Emmy on our walk this morning. Mason’s mom told us how Mason caught a huge poison toad in the dog park last night, ugh. Fortunately, she was able to get his mouth rinsed out quickly and he was okay.

We also took my brother Rex to the dog park after four whole days! He was so happy to be out and about again. And don’t worry, we made sure to wait until it was dark outside so we didn’t roast.

That’s all from me today folks! Here’s hoping that the heat dies down a bit soon. Isla signing off!